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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. true..80's cartoons were the best!! the person below me has tried deep fried bananas.
  2. arent you the one that posted awesome pics in the graff on girls thread?
  3. don't you know that most newb's don't read the first post to understand how the game works?
  4. false...but i will watch mixed martial arts some times. the person below me likes cartoons.
  5. do you think anybody's question is really relevant to the question above it?
  6. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear eon, please follow the dear_____, format of the thread. lol..jk cG
  7. false...once at 5 years old and once when i was 12. the person below me has been to disneyworld in florida.
  8. false...not a huge danny devito fan. the person below me took a nap today.
  9. yeah....next she will have pics lighting a menorah.
  10. false....i use it cause its fun to answer these random questions. the person below me hasnt worked out in months.
  11. false. the person below me doesnt steal.
  12. suki...youve gotten very religious lately...first buddist pics...now cathedral pics.
  13. nice flicks all around...damn....i dont want to post in this thread cause my days are pretty boring.
  14. CALIgula

    Head On!

    that nigga gots hella teeth.
  15. false....i have a facebook....but havent been on it in more than a year now. the person below me understands how twitter works.
  16. CALIgula

    Head On!

    apply directly to the forehead!!
  17. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear bfish, its spelled "tetanus" /no homo the only reason i know is because i use it in a rap i wrote. dear 5 fingure, i know the feeling....thats how i felt when my 6 months were up. cG
  18. CALIgula

    Head On!

    oh shit....yeah! thats it! head on! apply directly to the forehead!!
  19. Seph....thats yosemite?..right? pm directions please?
  20. false....i havent seen it either. the person below me loved the movie the hangover.
  21. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear c-walk, sleep bad? cG
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