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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear rush, HAHAHAHAHA kids these days! cG
  2. ^^i just got dragged out by the old lady to go see that movie on sunday. total chick flick....i doubt im gonna read the book.
  3. true....some old school black porn on vhs. the person below me thinks porn degrades women.
  4. R.I.P. Saber's L.A. river piece :( http://www.cloutonline.com/?q=node/3555 http://la.metblogs.com/2009/09/04/sabers-world-famous/
  5. false...i got laid yesterday...by the same female 3 times in a row. the person below me has had a threesome.
  6. true. the person below me has red hair.
  7. i want that i <3 gorditas shirt suki..where can i get one??? ...and ive always wanted to try that hat....ive heard the burgers are good from like 3 different people. nice flicks imchristeezy, stan, fat ralphy, croc, hatuey! boris....you had the iron sheik bbq for you guys? ribs and titties ftw...wish i coulda made it up to reno this year.
  8. true...bone marrow, liver, beef tongue, beef brain, morcilla, and a few other gross things....but nothing worse than zimmerman. the person below me has a cool boss.
  9. TRUE!!!...i was just watching the minimarathon of no reservations today, and he was in frisco on one of the episodes! the person below me thinks the bizarre foods show is gross.
  10. TRUE....its like 12DOAntz prophet on here. the person below me wishes the mods would clean up and lock up some threads.
  11. false...havent gotten one in about 2 years now. the person below m has gotten more than 3 speeding tickets.
  12. false...ive left america a buncha times... the person below me hates america.
  13. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear mag, link?? cG
  14. false...im not porkchop. the person below me likes wendys because of their frostees.
  15. false....i know...i fail. the person below me goes to the untitled section of this forum a lot.
  16. false...you can subscribe to threads, making it easier to find them the person below me subscribes to this thread.
  17. i heard about a book called "dissection" on NPR....so i went to the bookstore to check it out.. mostly interesting pictures....but for $50, i wasnt into buying it. looks like a good book for the coffee table though.
  18. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear ssn, $12 for 3 people is very cheap!!...im sure if food is that cheap, everything else must be cheap too! im so jealous. have fun! cG
  19. hahaha...i got my very first negaprops just now. fuck you acer.
  20. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear suki, it sounds like youre having a great time. i wish female japanese tourists would touch my body. lol...thanks for at least making an effort to flick the thick korean girls! cG p.s. how are the prices of things?....like food...clubs, etc.
  21. :lol::lol::lol::lol: wow...people in the laser removal business will be rich in the years to come.
  22. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear rice eyes, they have chilly cheese burritos in toronto? but canada is so far away from mexico. cG
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