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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. theres a lot of penis and balls on tinychat....not just the 12oz room either.
  2. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear swindle, college is waaaaaay more chill than high school...less class....funner classes, and cool people....you should go to college, but take some time off and kick it hard first! cG p.s. you didnt get in trouble for the shirt?? on my last day, me and the homies brought water guns, shaving cream and water balloons...they confiscated it all, and threatened not to let us walk at graduation.
  3. catty, isnt maus I and II in comic book form?...you have to read that at school?...thats dope! I read the prince for humanities class...its a good read. i didnt really care for frankenstein either.
  4. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear swindle, congrats on graduating man! cG
  5. false....i slept in today, so im good. the person below me thinks "squirrel nuts" is a terrible nickname to give a homegirl. *edit...false....never had a cat...never will either...im a dog person. the person below me thinks "squirrel nuts" is a terrible nickname to give a homegirl.
  6. well, i got called in for jury duty, so it looks like i will be starting the books i havent started yet sooner than i expected.
  7. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear zebra, im mad jelly of your man. if you guys ever break up (which i doubt, if youre hookin him up like you say you are), I will be here waiting. cG
  8. false...whats a michigan left? the person below me thinks that fried chicken is not really that bad for your health.
  9. hahaha....true. fucking cuts everywhere. county cuts. health care cuts. school cuts. california is starting to look emo.
  10. lol....i sure do. funny thing is, now youre smoking a bowl and thinking about Christ and Me.
  11. true....really??...haha..dope. the person below me knows what a california stop is.
  12. false....it was something me eon and shai were just talking about in tinychat like 5 minutes ago...lol the person below me likes chili cheese fries. *edit....true...i have to be up at 6am, but i might sleep in and ditch my 1st class. the person below me likes chili cheese fries.
  13. true...if you add up two seperate people...i owe my mom $200 and owe whoever owns citi credit cards $400. the person below me played kickball in elementary school. *edit....false...buddhism is a dope religion, but not for me. the person below me played kickball in elementary school.
  14. im on 12oz. yup...thats about it..sitting on the recliner...on 12oz.
  15. false....im oontzing from home. the person below me has participated in an orgy before.
  16. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear payroll department, WTF!?...its been a month now, and I have not gotten my last 2 paychecks...you guys owe me about $800. i need the money. not now....but RIGHT NOW! i just got my $400 credit card bill and I owe my mom $200. i was patient, but now im mad. hurry the fuck up, cG
  17. true....but i literally have a month left. the person below me has tried vietnamese food.
  18. false....i like a little bit of both. the person below me can walk on their hands.
  19. false...i hate westerns. the person below me has seen a specific movie more than 10 times.
  20. true/false...i like it when i get an extra hour of sleep...hate it when i lose one. the person below me eats fruit. *edit...false...i do know what youre talking about the person below me eats fruit.
  21. false....im not apt at either.....ive never skiied and snowboarded once....theres no snow where im from. the person below me played handball in elementary school.
  22. false....i keep my laptop on mute. the person below me thinks leno is funnier than conan.
  23. twinky was reenacting the guy from silence of the lambs, right?
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