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Everything posted by hatetown

  1. Didn't knew they rolled this far south. Those Jade cars are gems.
  2. Definitely don't think those Tropicanas were benched down in Houston.
  3. whats under the stamp on that rbox?? ive seen that car before but cant remember
  4. New Indy Lo's are pretty awesome unless you like to jump down big things.
  5. Replying to threads you are still trying to figure out why you even bothered.
  6. Bought this for $2 at a "garage" sale. Murders, crimes, kidnappings, serial killings, frauds/scams, etc Good read.
  7. Oh yea, throwing bucket paint over a crew you are beefing with's wholecar, THEN IMMEDIATELY driving home and logging onto 12oz and posting the flick in a POPULAR freight thread where everybody would see within a matter of five minutes... That's totally a classy move right there huh? Seriously, the world would be better off sometimes without graffiti forums about 85% of the time.
  8. **Highly recommended by Myself.
  9. Not trying to be a smart-ass but was the closeups really necessary? Not like you put a whole lotta detail in that one.New style looks good though. And please stop posting Crow. That cornball has nothing to do with Houston other than he paints with a writer thats in a crew based in Houston.
  10. BK has been around for a minute. Very underrated group of writers. Hell, I don't think I can drive around Houston without seeing at least a Shef tag or hollow.
  11. Got more, don't have time to post right now. That Perk/Yano was on the 59 curve I believe. And graffiti before the year 2004 was in my opinion, the best era.
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