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Everything posted by hatetown

  1. Rail of the coping? Thats a little redundant (sp?)
  2. hatetown


    Ok buddy, I'll just end it here. The internet and video games are obviously the only thing keeping you going in life.
  3. hatetown


    So? And quit calling me youngin. Everybody knows you can't be older than 18-19. (Reference: the infamous 14 year old goth girl/aids fest thread). Its funny that you tell me to get off your nuts when your on almost everybodys nuts who has more than 3000 posts. Nice try though "kid".
  4. hatetown


    ASS is a WOW nerd. Explains why hes such a fag.
  5. in response to a bunch of dudes making fun of him for his stupid thread.
  6. i just learned backside 540 flip noseblunt whirlybirds today on the vert ramp... to a gay twist /nohomo
  7. these right here. fred gall can drink his ass off too.
  8. That dude on the cover rocks the flock of seagulls the entire video. I'm currently practicing my handstand flips.
  9. found this sweet vid at the thrift store today i cant wait to learn 80's freestyle
  10. try the blunt stall to rock. and after you get comfortable, try the blunt to fakie. i learned blunt to fakies on this really mellow 3-4 foot tall quarterpipe. so i guess try it on something small
  11. lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddMowxKchko
  12. Didn't know about that dude until a few weeks ago when I went to Austin. One of my ex's is dating him now. She totally had to tell me about how awesome he is. Fuckin pro-ho's.
  13. haha all of those are from threads i read today. sorry, some of them stood out pretty badly. i think the ones that arent straight forward homo are the funniest.
  14. I was gonna do that one but I thought I was the only one who thought it was funny / undertone. :confused: :confused:
  15. true, the person below me has The Crying Game Tivo'd.
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