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Everything posted by earmuffs

  1. Before I got my DSLR I used my Canon SD750.. it took nice shots for a point and shoot.. allthose on the previous page were taken with it... heres some more..
  2. I have these.. kinda similar...
  3. I dont understand why people build outdoor parks out of wood and shit..
  4. some more old shots from my point and shoot..
  5. i remember when I got those first rudy johnson DC shoe.. I was so hyped..
  6. that McLovin shit was funny...
  7. went to vitos last night.... and the medium is massive./nh
  8. its alright... basically like corona.. they got them in quartz though which is good..
  9. disappointed in the lack of Rick Howard footage.../nh
  10. that ditch is fucking amazing...
  11. I just spent wayyyyy too long trying to turn the love park statue into DOA
  12. havent really shot anything new... so heres some oldies
  13. might have to get this for dinner...
  14. yeah but some dudes like that shit.. this driller on my old rig would always dip it, even if you offered him skoal..
  15. nigga you are talking about bandits.. real men dont dip that shit..
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