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Everything posted by earmuffs

  1. i always find gems when i go to my moms house
  2. i didnt look to close just drove through..
  3. Nichols Junior High School‎
  4. if the rain holds up i might go hit the jr high..
  5. yeah theres a shit load in DFW but in terms of closeness this is a stones throw away..
  6. jr high around the corner has an alright waxed ledge, manual pads and a shit load of wooden benches..
  7. wheres the shots of you and Dazzle at the pumpjack?
  8. soda works good.. they had to do that at a park in vancouver.. they covered it in this anti graffiti shit and it was super slick and the only way they could get rid of it was cover the park in coca cola..
  9. any spot back.... Vancouver's new spot and all of burrard street..
  10. ebay is good for boards I think you can get like 5 girl boards for 100 or 10 blanks for 100...
  11. Im sure you can find some somewhere..
  12. popwar! or any other deluxe company..
  13. girl/chocolate of course! found this online.. at a demo
  14. yeah I dont know about arlington having good spots..
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