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Everything posted by earmuffs

  1. http://www.skatevideosonline.net/skate-videos/200/101/20-shot-sequence/
  2. did someone say impossible????
  3. try the flagship store
  4. just watched it.. good game..
  5. i thought vallely was gonna win, and i agree that they shouldn't limit what people can do.
  6. The confederate flag license plat is because the car is a replica of bandit 1 from the movie smokey and the bandit. It's the old Georgia state flag.
  7. well chris Cole barely beat Mike V.. it was bullshit though, they let Mike V use is feet and hands.
  8. they drew names out of a bowl..
  9. It starts this weekend... chris cole v Mike V Jamie Thomas V Dennis Busenitz
  10. i gonna go with japan.. some die hards over there..
  11. no videos up but... the last text yoself, someone asked when it starts and he said it already did you just dont know cuz the video isnt up.. or some shit like that..
  12. wanna go to the finals of battle at the berrics.... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220441063258
  13. if this is who i think it is... didnt you ollie it back in the day..
  14. he was in mall cop too.. also peep me in the old NBC tv show Just deal and HBO Jeremiah
  15. i dont know if he quit to do it... i just heard thats what he got into...
  16. think he does stunt doubles in movies now..
  18. Saw some tight spots in Houston today. Anyone skated there before?
  19. so celt... when you sending me that girl shirt/nh.
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