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Everything posted by earmuffs

  1. hahahahahahahahahaha.... at work with my family here...
  2. I almost bought one but it was $700 and i just couldnt do it..
  3. dear today, please fuck off thank you.
  4. hahaha.. hopefully if not I have you to blame!
  5. at work.. bout to grill some burgers.. then wait for my wife to get here for the night.
  6. false.. burgers. I did have a steak last night though..nh tpbm is going out of town for the weekend.
  7. true.. Im at work right now.. I stay at work 24 hours. tpbm is an only child..
  8. at work. Was finally able to get a proxy to work to get on the oontz.
  9. I havent stepped on a board in a while.. my 2 and half year old son loves to skateboard. I've been waiting for a friend to send me a package /nh. but hes lacking. I might have to break down and buy a new setup.. I have some boards at home on the wall but I think I will hold off setting those up.. Completes around here are expensive.. I might lower my standards and order from online. footage of my son.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9DY53_VhLI
  10. how could i forget 3 litre soda..
  11. got a call from work asking to come in a day early.. not thrilled.. oontzed for a bit... got my truck ready to go... sweet parking job by my wife took the kids to the sittters so my wife and I could go out for lunch before I left... met her here.. sweet bib br0 got the spice crab legs.. I made the mistake of pissing before I washed my hands good and my dick burned for hours.. hit the raod... stopped for fuel and a drink... six flags over texas... louisiana... stopped at walmart to pick up some drinks.. what I couldnt fit in my cooler... the rest... arrive at work... working hard... finished my day off with 2 hours of married with children.
  12. naw it wasnt really a mess.. even if it was I wouldnt have complained.. and I feasted on leftovers as well..
  13. I always wanna do this but I forget like half the day.. Ill try today. heres some of yesterday.. woke up too early for how late a stayed up.. cleaned the kitchen after having some peeps over the night before.. snack time.. watched Rad.. got dressed and headed here... then next door for... leaving saw this and laughed.. the other window said something funny about obama and change.. went to a costume store and they had an ill hip hop section haha... then went to the mall for a bit and back home... chilled outside... went here to eat.. ordered ribs which sucked obviously... came back home and hit tc...
  14. somebody say pool sesh.. this was at our local pool growing up.. it was a large pool and not really skateable, but fun the kids pool had a sick little rail going into it.. this pic is from 95ish.
  15. false.. I also hate people that use the word sammich. tpbm has never got a speeding ticket.
  16. false. I hate drew carey. tpbm has never broke a bone.
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