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Everything posted by ODS-1

  1. ODS-1

    Head On!

  3. Somebody likes to hit the leather wallet...
  4. My stuff isn't really as good as most of the stuff in here, and I don't shoot too much variety. Some thing outside the air and space museum.
  5. The Insider: That fire pic is pretty cool! Fuck I need to take pictures of more things.
  6. I took these pictures, I don't think they're that good but I wanted to show them to someone.
  7. "Not that there's anything wrong with that."
  8. It's not a movie but I just started watching this sci fi show called firefly. It's really good.
  9. Ewww what the fuck? I hate when people try to sell me stuff, or ask me for money. They either call me "big man" or white boy.
  10. Still haven't seen it all the way through, but it's a pretty good one. Amazing documentary/movie. This actually was a really good movie. Yeah, I know that mel gibson sucks and he can go fuck himself, but I kind of like this movie.
  11. I've got a problem with AD AWARE SE. I tried to do a smart system scan this morning and when it got to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/software/.. (something like that) it quit responding and I had to shut it down. Then I downloaded the new version of ad aware (v 1.06) and I'm having the same problem. Is there anything I can do to get ad aware to work? I need to run a scan but I can't now, and the only other software I have is spybot, which I think is enadequate right now. Somebody help me.
  12. After firefox started being slow, I closed it and then clicked on the icon to start it again. It asked me to pick a profile (it's never done that before), and then I picked the only one there. It gave me some bullshit reason I couldn't use that one (it said it was already in use). It said I could create a new one, so i did. Then I checked do not ask this again. Now when I open up firefox, everything is gone. All my bookmarks, saved passwords, everything (some of which I need). Is there anyway to get back to the other profile (it's not letting me pick the profile). I hope that wasn't too vague, but I'd like some help. Anyone?
  13. ODS-1


    ichabod is one of the best freight writers hands down in my opinion.
  14. I like the fact that ms paint came out like in the 80's, serves really no purpose (other than bullshit like this), and yet it's still on every computer that runs windows.
  15. Because there's only so many colors in MS paint... And I'm lazy.
  16. ODS-1


    That ain't in cincy son!
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