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Everything posted by ODS-1

  1. I was actually kinda disapointed. The shit thing was hilariouis though. Obviously I have a mature sense of humor.
  2. Mad tv is the worst show in the history of man. I saw an episode today and didn't chuckle once.
  3. Ahh. Forgive me for being dumb. Makes perfect sense. Bowling alleys used to be the same way before they banned public smoking almost here. Thank god.
  4. puregraffiti.net bombingscience.com
  5. It'd be a matter of time before some dumbass accidentally flew too close to LAX or something and hit a 747and killed a bunch of people.
  6. How has getting laid ruined a meal? lol
  7. .28942 Japanese porn always involves something wierd either going in or coming out of a chick's ass, whether it was meant to or not.
  8. Give him a red balls and he'll fly away.
  9. LOL teaching 200 million people how to fly a skycar. Good luck.
  10. Bitch has quite the tookhus.
  11. Goddammit. Let the urinating in the anus thing die already.
  12. Maybe I'm just stupid but Moby Dick is hard to follow because the way it was written. No wait, I'm just stupid. The book about the Essex on the other hand, was pretty awesome. Bunch of whale hunters cannibalizing each other in life boats.
  13. Re: Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhst Huge understatement.
  14. Pet's name+childhood street.
  15. ODS-1

    cant sketch

    Go masturbate instead. You never run out of ideas.
  16. They should try fitting a real car in Dunn's ass this time.
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