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Everything posted by poes

  1. If anyone is interested, I ended up going with Real Debrid & Stremio combo. It works by streaming torrents instantly so you can watch a 60 gig blu ray file without even downloading it. Works amazingly well and easy to set up and costs next to nothing.
  2. Man this sport… You can have a good session one day and then the next one just makes you want to give up forever. 😭
  3. @fat ralphyyes it still feels new and exciting after taking such an extended break. It’s cliche but realise now it’s very much a marathon not a sprint, or even a race. A lot of people training 5x per week will come and go. My main focus is on avoiding injury, putting on a few kg of muscle and fitting in training in a way that doesn’t detract from my family duties. Which I realise now I can do if I don’t drink alcohol but as soon as I do, training inevitably stops. Live and learn.
  4. A refresh button and/or a small loading bar would be nice.
  5. I didn’t think I wanted an app but it works really well and I find myself visiting more often. It feels nice and light in the iPhone.
  6. Yeah I’m 70% invested in an index tracker, buy every month with a view to ‘never sell’. I treat crypto a bit different though as it’s so volatile yet somewhat cyclical, it appears to be for now at least.
  7. Haha I never understood why some people get salty over Ezekiel’s. I’m averaging about 1-2 hours per week, which is fine for me given how busy life is. I am Supplementing with instructionals which makes a big difference. Just finished Danaher 4x4 mount dvd which was really good and easy to implement. However, after the last couple of classes I apparently need to go back and learn pin escapes and guard retention lol.
  8. I bought some ETH after learning about it on here a few years ago and rode it all the way up, back down and now back up again. It’s a modest amount so the difficult is trying to take any sort of profit, without fomo.
  9. Shit I've been lurking here 20+ years. I guess around 15 & 37.
  10. Has anyone tried something like this: https://github.com/itsToggle/plex_debrid It uses Plex but allows you to search and stream from torrents near instantly. I'm going to give it a go when I have a couple of hours spare.
  11. @fat ralphyNo not from injury, it was a combination of covid lockdown. Then switching jobs, further away from the gym. Then I had a new baby to go with the new job. Then somehow 3 years went by... I have a new gym now, 10 mins from home - so no excuses (ish). I was managing 3-4x per week before covid. These days, I am content with 1 - 2x, supplemented with some home study.
  12. I'm slowly getting back to training after a 3 year break. I stayed watching Bjj (highlights, breakdowns and tutorials) for most of this time and feel like despite the time off, I think my overall game is much better than it was. Let's see if this feeling lasts!
  13. I don't know if this is the right place for this but I figured someone might have some advice so here we go... I am kind of stuck in a industry I don't find very interesting or rewarding (supply chain management) and whilst the pay is ok (slightly above the average London salary) it's not amazing. I am in my mid 30's, have a child etc etc and want to change jobs and earn more money. One part of the job I do enjoy is the analysis side and I think I would enjoy working as a data analyst/BI analyst. It looks like there are a lot of well paid jobs out there but I don't know how I would switch over without taking a very junior role and major paycut. I have developed decent business acumen over the years and have some experience with MySQL, Power BI and Excel and producing KPI reports, spend analysis etc. My plan is to improve the following skills through online courses/websites: Advanced Excel SQL - MySQL Power BI + DAX/Tableau Read a book/do a course on statistics Then: Python - Matplotlib, pandas, NumPy etc Along with a general course or cert on data analysis and watch the rest of CS50. And volunteering myself for data projects at work. Then I plan to create an online portfolio showing a few options of personal and professional projects and try market myself as a freelancer., in order to help apply for a job. I may have to completely rewrite my resume and get a bit creative with the truth to get a look in. I know the above skills can take a lifetime to master but I also feel like 80% of the time you can do a good job with relatively basic technical skills and a strong understanding of what is important to running a business. So anyway, that's my plan for the next 12 months. My concerns are that I don't have a stem degree or real experience as an actual analyst so would be lacking the stuff they don't teach you. I do think I'd be good but know I will have massive imposter syndrome applying for anything beyond a very junior role. I think my dream would be to transition to data analyst role within 12 months, Get to a good salary/freelance within 5 years (salaries are generally a LOT lower here than in the US) Then maybe learn a bit more about the cross over with data science over the longer term (10 years). If anyone fucks with any of this, I'd like to hear your thoughts.
  14. Anyone into NFT's? I can see they have a bit of utility and longevity in allowing people to support creators and then being able to personalise your online presence (if that's your thing) but I still can't understand how you can trade them to make money without getting lucky. I'm also an NFT noob but this podcast helped me understand the concept better... Also, shout out to whoever said to cop some NuCypher (maybe casek?), you made me some money!
  15. Holy fuck I feel sick. 🤣
  16. @Dirty_habiT interesting. I’m a super coding novice but have wondered about people doing this sort of thing. What does the bot do?
  17. @fat ralphy It will tell you what coins you have, how many and what their current value is. Is that what you mean?
  18. You can buy whatever so either a fraction of a coin OR a whole coin or multiple coins. You can leave your money on the exchange wallet (Gemini) but there's the risk they go under or get hacked. The safest option for wallet is generally thought to be a hardware wallet.
  19. That's awesome... hopefully the time will come for the rest of us!
  20. Thanks, obviously not your first rodeo. This IS my first rodeo and have gone from being all about ETH to some crypto-euphoria FOMO/YOLO options. It's treated me well so far but will make an effort to reign in it a bit before I get burnt. I read this recently which got me excited about ETH again after the price hasn't moved much for a couple of months:
  21. Are you just in btc n eth now? I’m thinking about consolidating in a month or two.
  22. Planning on keeping ADA for a couple of years I think. Currently holding (largest to smallest): Coti Orn Eth BTC ADA link grt
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