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Mr. Peanut

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Everything posted by Mr. Peanut

  1. who the fuck are you callin stupid? i'm a fuckin rider!!! don't make me get my cousin dasha on yo ass i don't give a fuck, i only got one strike
  2. some 35mm shizer http://img65.photobucket.com/albums/v198/imaslacker02/crap/photos/planters.jpg'> http://img65.photobucket.com/albums/v198/imaslacker02/crap/photos/bus_mirror_large.jpg'> http://img65.photobucket.com/albums/v198/imaslacker02/crap/photos/mouse_trap_large.jpg'> sorry if the last one's a bit large
  3. sometimes when i'm really stoned and my cat looks up at me i think it's a small furry person. then i realize it's just my cat.
  4. just write the first thing that comes to mind... i was feeling the tiny hairs inside of my nose, and it reminded me of this one time i was in florida and i won an armadillo race at the fair.
  5. i'm big in japan, i'm big in japan, yea i'm big in japan...
  6. http://www.links.net/pix/me.bat.lg.gif'> true to the fuckin game
  7. put salt on a carrot it's good then fuck a vegetarian in the ass with it
  8. 41240 17675 cut & peeled baby carrots ready to eat
  9. file/print click options data encoding image data kosher
  10. i hate it when people on the streets give me flyers...it's like saying, here you throw this out.
  11. johnny was a soldier he can't dance anymore
  12. i don't just want candy anymore...i need candy. and when you need something...that's a resposibility.
  13. some 35mm crap http://img65.photobucket.com/albums/v198/imaslacker02/crap/photos/bus_stop_sign.jpg'> http://img65.photobucket.com/albums/v198/imaslacker02/crap/photos/bus_light.jpg'> http://img65.photobucket.com/albums/v198/imaslacker02/crap/photos/pics.jpg'> http://img65.photobucket.com/albums/v198/imaslacker02/crap/photos/photos.jpg'> http://img65.photobucket.com/albums/v198/imaslacker02/crap/photos/mouse_trap_pics.jpg'>
  14. disposable http://img65.photobucket.com/albums/v198/imaslacker02/crap/photos/nyc_streets.jpg'>
  15. http://img65.photobucket.com/albums/v198/imaslacker02/crap/oops.jpg'>
  16. http://img65.photobucket.com/albums/v198/imaslacker02/crap/wooooooo.jpg'> http://img65.photobucket.com/albums/v198/imaslacker02/crap/head.jpg'> http://img65.photobucket.com/albums/v198/imaslacker02/crap/fu.bmp'>
  17. http://img65.photobucket.com/albums/v198/imaslacker02/crap/i_want_you_to_die.jpg'> i really gotta piss
  18. some really great shit on here. here's my little contribution...something i did with my girlfriend last night: http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00297230f00000026.jpg'>
  19. quantity and quality much props to cyzm on that set...puttin in massive amounts of work. cheers.
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