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Dick Quickwood

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Everything posted by Dick Quickwood

  1. i'm no photographist here are some pictures i took today http://img7.photobucket.com/albums/v18/writer/stash_4_2.jpg'> http://img7.photobucket.com/albums/v18/writer/stash_3_2.jpg'> this little trail was very slippery and steep, the pictures don't accurately show how steep it was. anyway, i slid down, and nearly slid all the way down. it was fucking scary, i'm glad i decided not to get any beer at the store half an hour before. http://img7.photobucket.com/albums/v18/writer/stash_2_2.jpg'> http://img7.photobucket.com/albums/v18/writer/stash_1_2.jpg'> http://img7.photobucket.com/albums/v18/writer/bum_camp_2.jpg'>
  2. the plastic part unscrews, i forgot which way, but put a rubber band around it for a better grip
  3. i just got a free 128 mb memory stick, w00t to the w-0-0-t hopefully i'll have my camra up and running shortly
  4. this just in: coffee does not work for me anymore.
  5. did anyone watch the new simpsons episode tonight ? it was hilarious, that or i just had a case of the sleep deprivation "laughies" *i am going to make some grapefruit juice, word yo.
  6. i just scored a free digital camera, but i need to get a "memory stick" and a usb cable with a smaller end on it
  7. if you're jaber, i have a picture i want to show you
  8. gentian violet is an antiseptic, so you can get it at some drug stores. methylene blue is a stain they use to look at shit in microscopes, so you have to steal it from science class or get it from a sceince supply store. i found some methlyne blue in science class once, and it didn't seem to do shit. oh yeah, potassium permanganate is used in fish ponds to disinfect. brake fluid dosen't seem to do shit either, but i put a couple drops in my marker anyway.
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