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Dick Quickwood

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Everything posted by Dick Quickwood

  1. i think i have been just sitting here for an hour
  2. Main Entry: ef·fi·gy Pronunciation: 'e-f&-jE Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural -gies Etymology: Middle French effigie, from Latin effigies, from effingere to form, from ex- + fingere to shape —more at DOUGH Date: 1539 : an image or representation especially of a person; especially : a crude figure representing a hated person - in effigy : publicly in the form of an effigy <the football coach was burned in effigy>
  3. what's weird is that when you go to look for it in its folder, you can see the whole picture in the little preview
  4. http://pic9.picturetrail.com/VOL275/1433227/2731464/39219890.jpg'> this is from a digital camera, what would cause it to fuck up like this ?
  5. hahahahahahha i find that to be awesome is there any special technique to get the vin off
  6. ok, i am drunk too. sex pistols-no feelings sex pistols to the max
  7. damn yuck, i thought we were tight homeyz. i guess i was wrong, i guess i was wrong. :cry2:
  8. you're exactly right, i've taken opiates while sick and they work, i can even function. no more fever, no more chills.
  9. i have this recurring fever.. fuck. i coluldn't properly sleep because even though i was wrapped in the covers, i felt like i was freezing, and i couldn't tell for sure if i was asleep or not because of the fever.
  10. i only said that because bass strings seem to vibrate all over the place, and guitar strings don't.... or do they, i don't actually know
  11. interesting, i've seen a couple of these here in roseburg http://pic9.picturetrail.com/VOL275/1433227/2731464/38127521.jpg'>
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