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Dick Quickwood

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Everything posted by Dick Quickwood

  1. nice, and happy birthday. does the hawaii greenery live up to its reputation?
  2. my rock climbing tip: don't tie the rope to your neck. i'm a trained expert, so i know that.
  3. say, do you know where the wires go on a delco-remy distributor, on a 79 chevy 305? i looked in this book, but the diagram is slightly different, it shows the connector things being an equal distance from one another, but on the distributor, there's four connectors on one side, and four on the other. it's possible i got it right, and the problem is not the firing order.
  4. what do i do with the evidence files, clicking on them just opens the program with a blank screen
  5. i went to my imaginary freind's home i would consider taking this car if i had a trailer they have an open door policy here the floor phone book was dated 1985 i wasn't going down there without a flashlight and a demon zapper. i didn't even see the paint cans.
  6. will do, let me scare up a gmail address first. i got a program last night called spinrite, it requires being run on dos and is supposedly fairly powerful, but was at like .02 percent completion after 15 hours, i don't think it usually takes that long, my hard drive is only 40 gigs.
  7. my hard drive developed bad sectors. on it were important things like useful programs, 2500 music files, and pictures. that's about 15 gigs of stuff downloaded on a dial up connection. i've got a new hard drive and a cold and barren new copy of windows xp, which cost 110 dollars that i didn't exactly have to spare. i had prepared for something like this by putting a backup on a different partition, but it was fucked up too. and of course my file recovery program was on the drive that failed as well. -has anyone ever recovered stuff from a hard drive with bad sectors? is it possible? -i can't access old drive:\documents and settings\arcel. a message box appears saying blah\blah\ is not accessible. Access is denied. i am using an administrator account, actually that drive has xp home edition and this one is xp pro. what do i do to access the folder?
  8. maybe you could put in a good word for Krie if she turns out to be in his vicinity. you'd be saving some kangaroos from suffering ahahahhha
  9. a real hot rod i see. at least it's good on gas, probably
  10. camoflauge yourself, wait in the bushes, and do a shrill scream when they come, then windmill your fists and bite
  11. i returned this jug of bugspray at wal mart today after filling it up with water, which wasn't even dishonest because the stuff did not work for shit. i didn't have my receipt, as i did some recon on the person working the customer service desk, a kind of fat youngish dude with a scumstache, so i figured he would do my transaction without any trouble. but he has a shitty, smug attitude and takes the lid off the jug and sniffs inside. "weeeel i'll haaaave to ask the mahnager". he comes back and says the manager said he couldn't do it. a few minutes later there's another person at the desk and i take the jug back up, she says some shit about asking someone, who happens to be the faggot from before who is casheiring nearby. she says the manager said no, i say let me ask him myself. so the guy who i thought was a shoplift police appears, the ho says "the faggot with the mustache said it had water in it" quietly to the manager as if i'm not standing right there, the manager sniffs it and asks me "so you used some, return, blah blah". then he says ok to her, she asks for my id and says "is a gift card ok". i fucking know they don't give you cash over a certain amount if you have no receipt. what the fuck, why didn't the first one just give me the card, the card is not taken from his check, it isn't his store, i hate people like that earlier i went to the kitchen to get something and stubbed my toe hard on the dog's food pan. it hurt and i got mad. now, my dog has no problem biting people, which he has done to me on a couple occaisons, and is pretty big too. a few minutes later i'm walking back through the kitchen, having forgotten about the pan and thinking about a joke on whatever show i was watching probably. suddenly i remember the pan and stop in my tracks. then i see the dog laying in the floor right in front of me. in the dark i didn't notice him, and he would have attacked me for stepping on him without a doubt. so then i was glad i ran into the pan earlier. the music girl on leno was hawt, but i can't find any pictures of her on the internet wtf.
  12. the best part of wakin up', is... someone think of something that rhymes
  13. last night i ate a couple tylenol 3s, hours later i smoked a cigarette, and got dizzy, nauseous and sleepy. i went to bed an hour later, because i felt better, but this morning i woke up around 10 feeling nauseous. i puked a little stomach acid or bile, and went back to sleep. fast forward a few hours, i wake up to some loud buzzing in my window, there's bees flying around. outside there was a swarm of bees coming in a crack in the wall. overnight bees came from somewhere and decided to fly inside the wall. so i sprayed some old insect spray i found in a shed, it was in a metal rusted can, and might have ddt or some other toxic stuff in it. i come home and there's dead bees all over my window sill, about 30. weird.
  14. also, i've been wanting to try St. Ides for a long time, but haven't seen it anywhere. what gives?
  15. i forgot this one interesting stuff *does anyone know if they still make this, i haven't seen it around lately
  16. i'm so bored, i don't want to live here after this summer
  17. fuck yeah i'm glad the shit weather is over, it's been sunny, except for today. so how big is your new city fantom? is there a graffiti scene? you might be able to score some beer by asking bums to buy it for you, if you give them extra money afterwards. i'm out of rolling papers, i'm going to borrow a page from the bible because the paper is thin and see if i can make it stay togather after it's rolled. i've felt strange pains in my head for the last couple hours, it hurts for a couple seconds, then goes away. that just goes to show you, your brain can explode suddenly, so live it up everyone.
  18. the old truck lives, an old man helped me replace the starter, now if only i could understand more then 5% of what he says. bzzzzoow bzzzz screech
  19. i read an article about that, the fake essay was funny
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