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Dick Quickwood

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Everything posted by Dick Quickwood

  1. fuck yes, i thought a Dart was similair to a Pinto, but here is what it looks like, nice. http://www.440magnum-network.com/emailed/2003/sep03/images/72swinger1.jpg'>
  2. i think i have the west nile virus. this morning i felt like i was going to pass out, puke, shit, etc. i have a fever, headache, and apparantly have contracted arthritis too. someone inject me with morphine.
  3. what was it, an animal that eats a lot? El Mammero, maybe Tease could give you some advice.
  4. http://www.mywhatever.com/cifwriter/library/mortals/graphics/ch10-3.gif'> "hey, sexy"
  5. well done, did you seduce her with your motorcycle?
  6. a mouse just ran by, pretty cool. i have no idea where it went, i looked for it everywhere.
  7. request code 9838979, request: take flicks i sent you some messages, i don't know if you got them or not because my connection isn't working all the time. also, day one of Operation Pitchfork was a success. 455, good idea on the gas. it sounds like the oil only works when it's painted over, right
  8. pssh c'mon man get a good one, with a 'discount' request: typical Sheboygan graffiti
  9. i went outside and heard coyotes howling and saw lots of lightning, awesome.
  10. the water pump quit working, which equals no running water. pretty great.
  11. nice, i was just going to ask how your Griffin Tour of Death went.
  12. ISO picture doods, my Sony digital has an ISO setting. i know this relates to 100, 200, etc speed film. but i don't know what it does. does it affect the exposure or what?
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