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Everything posted by casekonly

  1. eat human flesh run naked through a golf course (check) naked down airport runway learn to fly become an astronaut, fireman, and a garbage man all in the same day (check?) write a childrens book under the pen name 'madonna' (check) make a lego castle and live in it build a massive statue of george washington in cheese bake worlds largest cracker distend something overextend something else (check) pee
  2. democrats are calligna closed session to discuss reasons for going to war with iraq. let's hope they don't let this go and it brings more press to this shit.
  3. not really. grab frontpage or something if you want to go simple. casek: man of the people
  4. you can register up to 10, free for one year. i'm going on a spree.
  5. http://www.e3internet.com/greenhouse/nick/...omains-for-all/ thank me later you sea urchines
  6. symbols: someone should buy you flowers.
  7. grim: check your bios updates, driver updates, etc. anything could have anything to do with it, be it drivers, settings, etc, all i can say is: start simple. sf1: a port scan can be a bad thing. it's cool that whatever firewall you're using blocked it.
  8. i don't know, man. lemme research it and get back to you.
  9. there are free servers for wow. i've given up on wow since it was slow going. downloading planeshift now. it's teh free.
  10. and this makes you feel proud?
  11. atleast it's not a fecal fetish.
  12. i'm downloading wow. tell me why i should/shouldn't continue the download.
  13. yeah, it all is pretty much. i think i heard don imus remark this morning that this new choice for supreme court guy is here to take attention off of the investigation. i bet all their talking points this morning (white house releases talking points to media type) were about him and the leak investigation is kinda downplayed for a minute. very funny things to ahppen soon./
  14. yeah, but there are others. someone said it earlier, rove is who made bush governor as well as president. life long 'buddies' these two guys are. that would absolutely destroy this administration. the republinazis are full aware of this and will probably stop at nothing to make sure that doesn't happen.
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