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Ronnie Dobbs

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Everything posted by Ronnie Dobbs

  1. http://www.newcitycompound.com/dump/laffpuppet01.gif'> http://www.newcitycompound.com/dump/potatowned.gif'> http://www.newcitycompound.com/dump/starwarsepisode3.gif'> http://i.myspace.com/95/33/723359/9410557_l.gif'>
  2. make your C a bit more praportionate
  3. yours look neat, ill give it that.. and i never really bothered too look through the whole thread.. but let me use this one as an example.. http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00272089f00000001.jpg'> not that theres anything wrong with it.. whatever you wanna go out and do i guess.. but all those extra unneeded lines and it just seems the whole motivation of it was to make it look 'wild' and lines going all over the place and whatnot. in the pieces that i find the most amazing and the ones i do myself, every line serves a purpose. everything is attatched to something.. (unless its the end of a line of course).. you can trace everything back to something. its not just rocking block letters and shit.. a quality simple takes more skill than people think. most of the quality peices you can find today possess this quality. not that im saying anything that anybody does is wrong. its just my point of view. if you can understand. im rambling but you get the idea
  4. you kids are trying to make your peices look all complicated and shit. fuck that. a well done simple will burn almost anything you put it up against.
  5. read it yet again.. funny ass shit!
  6. who the fuck cares? if you're gonna start a thread reppin your crew make sure we see tons of pictures
  7. Re: Re: I SAY "SHUT THE FUCK UP TOY" sad thing is, i bet he's gettin a big ego boost off that shit.. like "Yeah man! Im Sever now! Look at me!"
  8. man, i cant get enough of the OTR hard to buff markers. i dont see why everybody hates on them
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