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Everything posted by Æ°

  1. ilovedrunk, Thanks a lot, I'll need to do some research to figure out what you're talking about but I appreciate it. This is the first camera I've ever owned. I bought a Nikon FM10 on ebay about 6 months ago and didn't really start taking pictures until recently, so my knowledge on this subject is nil. Now I have some key words to look up.
  2. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v12/Lifter976/dock.jpg'> I need advice What should I have done to make this turn out right? Or what should I do in similar lighting situations in the future? I just figured out how to use the light meter, although not completely by the looks of it.
  3. http://www.bestreadguide.com/branson/images/20030605/punch.jpg'>
  4. http://img3.photobucket.com/albums/v12/Lifter976/akros4.jpg'> This isn't Makros
  5. http://www.cyborgcow.net/gallery/albums/userpics/10002/seatbelt.gif'>
  6. KaBar Somehwere on the first page of this your said you knocked a dog out using your 'deadman'. What is a deadman? Edit: Do you know of any online sources for railroad maps?
  7. http://img3.photobucket.com/albums/v12/Lifter976/lastscan.jpg'> From the first roll of film I had developed from the first camera I've ever owned. It was taken a couple weeks ago and you may be able to notice I ran a red light to get it.
  8. Æ°


    Re: my new bike... I haven't ridden one of those kinds of bikes since I was a small child. I'd like to hop on one now though, I bet you can haul some serious ass on those crooked handlebar skinny tire types... Does it have brakes? How the hell do you stop?
  9. When, Was your friend's injury from snowboarding?
  10. Was a laid back night, I met up with a group for a birthday party. Decided to hang in Champs in Minneap, the place was dead. Met a pretty girl named Laura. Works at the front desk in a fancy hair salon type place while attending school at the U of M for nursing. Did some bowl cruisin and stopped by the practice space in St. Paul to watch my friends jam for a while. Bigup to hiding out on a Saturday.
  11. I was at my parents house tonight and I was digging around some shit in the attic when I came across this odd little photo book. These pictures were probably 2 x 3 or something. http://img3.photobucket.com/albums/v12/Lifter976/PP1.jpg'> http://img3.photobucket.com/albums/v12/Lifter976/PP2.jpg'> http://img3.photobucket.com/albums/v12/Lifter976/PP3.jpg'> http://img3.photobucket.com/albums/v12/Lifter976/PP4.jpg'> http://img3.photobucket.com/albums/v12/Lifter976/PP5.jpg'> http://img3.photobucket.com/albums/v12/Lifter976/PP6.jpg'>
  12. I realize that I'm not a nightowl, but what's up nightowls? For some reason you seem to be the only ones I can turn to.
  13. I really don't know much about cameras yet, can you tell me what's wrong with the lens that's on it? So I know what to look for when/if I get a new one.
  14. I just bought my first camera, I picked this up on ebay for $137. http://home.covad.net/~semicaps/Peter/Nikon%20Camera%20DSCI0021/DSCI0021.JPG'>
  15. Is it possible to get a decent slr camera for around $200, new or used? What should I look for and where should I look? Thanks.
  16. Æ°


    Those Mirra flairs are pretty slick, I'm thinking about buying one.
  17. Yeah, if you get the trucker hat that says so...It proves you're not racist. You know what they say about people that always feel they have to prove they're not racist...
  18. Slick lookin truck, beautiful lawn too. Is that fake grass?
  19. That windshield looks familiar... Seriously mang, you have a couple good ones in there. Was the 2nd one taken from a moving car?
  20. Whenever I think about a midget punching someone in the butt really hard I laugh.
  21. I have never seen Star wars before and tonight I went to the store and rented it. But I fucked around on my computer too damn long and now I'm going to sleep. Damn, I could have sworn I was going to watch that fucking movie finally. Maybe it's my purpose on this earth to be the only one that hasn't seen Star Wars and The Titanic.
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