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the shitz

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Everything posted by the shitz

  1. the shitz


    undercooked pork CAN infect you with hundreds of thousands of tape worms. but...thats why you cook it...duh?! Also you cant see the tape worms, they only grow in your stomach.
  2. korean war, korean soldiers would go up to american soldiers and say "me-gook?" which means "american?"....so its self explanatory
  3. gamsamnida, IL gunamun muh halleh? say that....and your in
  4. people in LA cant drive, its even worse in rain...
  5. yeah. abc described it down here in socal too.....miserable.
  6. I dont know....after watching stewie beat the shit out of Brian, I thought TV was going to hell.... Then after the second i was like wow....didnt know how to waste 3 minutes of airtime.
  7. i got a shirt that said "Homosexuals are gay"
  8. I fought back once, i felt bad afterwards. hmm....
  9. yeahh and i hate it when people say "ohh thats normal though, my families crazy too" .......which is bullshit because theyre all happy little white kids from the suburbs with great parents. When they were kids, theyd get time outs. I would get chased with sharp objects.
  10. not that bad. At least he hasnt had the house raided 3 times by the cops with guns pointed. And doesnt scream "I NEED DRUGS!!!!!" at 3 in the morning. At least he doesnt steal the family jewels and pawn them for 30bucks. At least he didnt break into your car and steal your ipod & stereo. but i know where your coming from. Family sucks when theyre crazy.
  11. yeah, mom schizo with knife, and dad angry korean.
  12. eww marlboros..........its all about the lucky strikes
  14. haha yeah i was rockin 56k aol till last year.
  15. .....2nd time someones asked me that here, before that someone thought i was gay.............boooooooooo
  16. HA, they jackin your rims!!
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