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Everything posted by SukiSukiNow

  1. nice flicks gravityWGY, at quik glance i thought your photos were stans, but stan and i are on a tiny hiatus from posting flicks.
  2. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear banana and cali, i'll be riding through on monday afternoon. if any of you are free, holler. <3 ssn
  3. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear cali-g, sorry i didn't get to stop by. i got a very late start. maybe on my way back? <3 ssn dear b-fish, your cousin txt me and said he was gonna be in sf. are you coming with him? you should!!! if not, maybe i can see you and caligula on my way back to reno on monday afternoon. <3 ssn dear abcs, stop being a punk. i talk to you more than i talk to anyone else. <3 ssn dear milky, the ladies of 12oz project should be coming back to me soon then it's your turn. thanks for the good times last weekend. you always cheer me up when i feel like poo poo. <3 ssn
  4. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear cali, i'll call you when i get down from the mountains. <3 ssn
  5. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear caliguoooooula, im about to roll thru your city in a minute. <3 ssn
  6. bought a new hat while i was at work showed the house to some people who were interested in renting it watched shumai for half an hour while she willed the neighbors dogs to come out worked on my box project for a bit
  7. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear people on myspace and/or facebook, i don't know who's who anymore so im going to delete anyone i haven't chatted/emailed/messaged with a while (minus the og's). don't fucking get butthurt or anything aiiiight?! <3 ssn
  8. :lol: :lol: :lol: im working on getting you the flicks.
  9. dude i would have ran over and hugged him and fucking cried and begged them to let me have "MY" dog back.
  10. another sequel i wanna see is the new star trek
  11. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! and then i'd fucking kill them
  12. no, not search and rescue although that would be kinda cool. she's more on the anxiety/panic attack/therapy dog side of services. im trying to train her so i can take her to hospitals to visit sick kids and old folks.
  13. she decided that extreme dancing was necessary so she encouraged a mosh pit the love toast i walked into this conversation and all i heard was milk telling that lady, "you look like a teacher so don't be a retard" dirty pirate hookers
  14. went next door to a show and more beers 21+ only! took a flick of this girl for caligula reno 911 hard at work the crowd was kinda lame, no one moving or dancing til milky got them going. she walked up to a group of kids to talk shit but they fell in love with her. they were students from japan, argentina, and spain and she made them sing and dance to a song she made up called "we hate americans". it was the funniest shit i ever heard and saw. then she made everyone dance in a circle even got 88 to dance
  15. last night... went to silver legacy with milkgrenades and 1988 to watch the fight. it ended pretty fast. had some beers dude sitting next to me won $900 walked around the casino took a picture of milk peeing she took a picture of me peeing photo op with the captain and random old tourist headed over to the 5 star for gay beers and cage dancing
  16. lena is too insane to be a service dog and she likes you guys more cuz she's a hoe and loves men. it was cute how she followed you around. she's seriously obsessed with caligula. she wishes she was a fat chick.
  17. Re: What's The Last Movie You Saw The Sequel don't remember but im looking forward to the terminator salvation. actually, i just wanna look at christian bale.
  18. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear free wireless at work, im taking advantage. <3 ssn dear thief at work, you sorry ass sucker. stealing with your kids? how humiliating was it to get kicked out? <3 ssn
  19. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! im training her to dig IOU out from earthquake rubbles. he loves it when she farts on him too.
  20. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear boats n hoes, your new cd makes me wanna light up a fattie. <3 ssn
  21. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear milk, im bored at work too!!! im going to get a new tattoo tonight so come and get a matching one! <3 ssn p.s. someone just called in sick to work so that's what i'll be doing tomorrow.
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