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Everything posted by SukiSukiNow

  1. false cuz i dont know what you're talking about tpbm farts while they pee
  2. true usually more than that tpbm has had lice before
  3. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear iou, i'll be going to la soon. <3 ssn
  4. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear iou, this one lasted quite some time. should i take her off my facebook now? harrrrrrrrrrrrr <3 ssn
  5. trying to convince mar into getting a sex change
  6. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear iou, which ex is this??? <3 ssn
  7. true tpbm likes that tingly sensation when their feet falls asleep
  8. waiting for the last hour at work to hurry up and go by.
  9. fucking so true tpbm can't wait til work is over!!!
  10. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear mark derosa, i heart you. <3 ssn
  11. false tpbm has big plans for the 3 day weekend coming up
  12. monday night i couldn't get myself to watch the game. i really was scared.
  13. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear caligula, you should have made the moths eat him up! <3 ssn
  14. oh shit baseball beef!!! giants beat the padres last night RIGHT???
  15. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear IHU, this song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4MXFOMpVIw <3 ssn
  16. saturday's game tried taking a perv shot for cali
  17. probably not safe anyone an expert with car stereos or wiring? my stereo display turns off when it feels like it. took it in a dozen times and even had a new stereo put in but still does it. must be a fan went to sacramento and hung out with caligula he bought me pinkberry friday night's game they were the best hecklers ever floating panda head
  18. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear giants, great fucking job!!! sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep! <3 SSN
  19. haha that's too cute. http://s31.photobucket.com/albums/c399/sookigirl/animals/?action=view&current=z100_9619.flv
  20. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear cali, i'll add our server on facebook. the rest is up to you. who's the best wing woman ever???! <3 ssn
  21. i was about to move my car but i see a parking ticket on my windshield so fuck it. now im gonna go get ready to head out to the giants game via bus.
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