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Everything posted by SukiSukiNow

  1. smoking a bowl watching the 100th episode of no reservations
  2. dear niece, im so happy you came to visit. im extremely sad that you left. <3 ssn
  3. this crazy creature kept coming at me and my niece toilet was basically a hole in the ground i felt the breeze go up my butt
  4. you're crazy. that's all. yesterday today. HELLLLLLA traffic. all the burning man folks. went to south lake tahoe and went for a hike. saw this old "castle" with lots of interesting antiques and awesome details in the place creepy
  5. watching the sound of music before going to pick up niece from tubing
  6. i saw them bbq-ing kangaroos, koala bears, and wombats. you got a big weenie brickos.
  7. dear life, sometimes you can really suck. <3 ssn dear u.s. gov, i fucking hate you. <3 ssn dear friends, you should really act like one. <3 ssn
  8. dear ihu, you're so sweet. send me some sushi. what i really need isn't mailable. <3 ssn
  9. dear ru, thank you. only dif between them and my pugs is that i make chicken and rice for them and they get to go on whatever furniture their little heart desires. spoiled rotten to the core. cheers! <3 ssn dear ILB, i fucking hate san jose and i esp hate sj cops. <3 ssn
  10. dear chops, you know it! <3 ssn
  11. dear ICB, i know 10 fucking business days... going so fucking slow. im going to cook my leg tonight. i hope nothing but the best for you and me too. then we can go hunt those assholes down and eat them. <3 ssn
  12. dear ICB, ugh... it sucks so bad! im so fucking hungry i feel nauseous! they better fix this quick. <3 SSN
  13. ^^^GROSS!!! it's the nature of our relationship we bicker like brother and sister since the day we met
  14. no but i remember you told me it was weird for you last time we spoke
  15. mmm... crab sammich yep we won it was cute, they let the kids run bases this old dude was rad http://s31.photobucket.com/albums/c399/sookigirl/Giants/?action=view&current=100_1233.mp4
  16. Dog Days of Summer... winner was timmy dog brian wilson dog ball came flying right at me
  17. dear DVL, i did reply to you! the person you are asking about is 1988. yes, our sf friend will be coming up for the bbq and so is my entire family. you should totally come up too. <3 ssn
  18. dear earl, it was not online. the bitch went shopping in new york. pfft im not hiding from you, i just haven't been going on aim at all. oh my dick is real... <3 ssn
  19. dear asshole who stole my debit card info, fuck you! suck my dick you cunt. <3 ssn
  20. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! loving this flick
  21. i listen to knbr at the game during the game since we take a little radio with us as to not miss a thing. haha the timmy hair, fucking timmy's been off his game but who know i might break down and purchase one. i'll be going to the dog days of summer this sunday. one of these days im going to make costumes for the pugs and enter them in the parade.
  22. dear runine, lol. those commercials... <3 ssn dear face, i can't speak for girls, but this woman likes a direct and straight approach. no gimmicks, no lines... some douche bag tried too hard while i was out last weekend and it just made me think of that fag mystery from the pick up artist and it was gross and i was not interested in letting him open up a set with me. good luck. <3 ssn
  23. You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to fat ralphy again. i spy a giants tshirt in the hamper
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