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Everything posted by SukiSukiNow

  1. itching to get off work in one hour and daydreaming
  2. dear weekend, you're almost here. worked 14 days in a row and i need a break. im tired, stressed, annoyed, irritated... lets have a good time this weekend and just not worry about anything. <3 ssn dear michael, i haven't seen you in 6 years. when you leave philly we have to make it a point to see each other. i have missed you so much. can't wait to see you. <3 ssn
  3. dear earl, yeah make it happen! <3 ssn dear red, you're so generous. can you send me to the east coast too? thank you in advance. <3 ssn
  4. this and this i hardly ever contribute in here but yes i did dig those up from my vault so a small handful of you guys could enjoy and appreciate them. those were not stolen, i took them myself with this thing i have that required me to actually load something called film, i think it's called a camera. some of the ones i posted are not quite as old but i wasn't trying to edit and spend more time. thanks for the props and thanks for making me feel i didn't waste my time. i miss those days and without the old you wouldn't have the new, just sayin' but hey haters are always gonna hate and this is the internet and it's motherfucking serious business. and this made me LOL
  5. dear IHU, hurry your ass up. <3 ssn
  6. dear rolf, thanks for the pm goodness as always. <3 ssn
  7. dear bored people, im fucking bored at work too!!! <3 ssn
  8. pretending to work and stalking ^^^ for lulz
  9. dear milk, si i am in town this weekend. i saw your hubby this week and since he will be gone holler if you wanna chill. tell j-fly i miss her too. <3 ssn
  10. dear red, once you're established mail me some hamachi. thanks in advance. <3 ssn dear IHU, shitty day. where the fuck are you? <3 ssn
  11. ok so here's the last of the old flicks i found
  12. just seems like work and finance burden never stops. woke up with this overwhelming feeling of anxiety and hopelessness. do you guys every feel that or am i a fucking pussy? :o
  13. dear rr, i purposely woke up early after a late night to go running, did errands, and went to work. why am i tired but can't fall asleep? it's fucking annoying. <3 ssn
  14. dear chacha, it's temporarily on. <3 ssn dear sleep, where are you? must we play this game again tonight? <3 ssn
  15. dear INKFACE, congrats on becoming a new daddy! <3 ssn
  16. dear earl, come haunt me, i will take you out for sushi! <3 ssn dear cali, i need to spend a whole day in sac sans pugs. <3 ssn dear meth, totally shitty, sorry to hear. <3 ssn dear self, keep up the great job running! <3 ssn
  17. dear rr, those are the best things. <3 ssn
  18. dear IHU, i guess you will see the results for yourself tonight. smell and all. <3 ssn
  19. dear ILU, its back to IHU. <3 ssn dear cleansing kit, im feeling very weird right about now. please don't make me wanna pee and poo while im out running. <3 ssn
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