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King Of Hell

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Everything posted by King Of Hell

  1. 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 48....bump, i mean...execute.
  2. as for people they havent introduced...well it depends on what you mean. the others and the hanso foundation people sure...but i doubt they will go more in depth into the background survivors. heres a list.Known Survivors: 73 1 Arzt, Leslie [DECEASED] 2 Carlyle, Boone [DECEASED] 3 Craig 4 Dawson, Michael 5 Dodd, Kate "Ryan" 6 Ford, James "Sawyer" 7 Granger , Janelle * 8 Jackson, Scott [DECEASED] 9 Jarrah, Sayid 10 Jenkins, Steve 11 Jones, Bob ** 12 Kwon, Jin-Soo 13 Kwon, Sun 14 Lance 15 Larry* 16 Littleton, Aaron 17 Littleton, Claire 18 Locke, John 19 Mars, Edward - Marshal [DECEASED] 20 Miller, Barbara Joanna [DECEASED] 21 Neil 22 Pace, Charlie 23 Pilot [DECEASED] 24 Porter, Walt Lloyd [ABDUCTED] 25 Rafflethorpe , Sally** 26 Reyes, Hugo "Hurley" 27 Richard 28 Rose 29 Rutherford, Shannon [DECEASED] 30 Shephard, Jack 31 Smith, Jake** 32 Sullivan 33 Tracy 34 Turbine Man [DECEASED] 35 West, Robert D.** 36-51 Unknown From Middle Section 52 Bernard 53 Cindy [ABDUCTED] 54 Cortez, Ana-Lucia [DECEASED] 55 Donald [DECEASED] 56 Eko 57 Emma [ABDUCTED] 58 Libby [DECEASED] 59 Nancy [ABDUCTED] 60 Nathan [DECEASED] 61 Zack (Emma's Brother)[ABDUCTED] 62-64 Unknown [DECEASED] 65 Unknown Blonde Hair [ABDUCTED] 66 Unknown Curly Hair [ABDUCTED] 67 Unknown German Guy [ABDUCTED] 68-73 Unknown [ABDUCTED] Known Non-Survivors:13 1 Desmond 2 Goodwin [DECEASED] 3 Mad Bomber 4 Mr. Friendly 5 Prisoner, The (Henry Gale) 6 Rom, Ethan [DECEASED] 7 Rousseau, Alexandre [ABDUCTED] 8 Rousseau, Danielle 9 Twin #1 10 Twin #2 11 One of Eko's attackers [DECEASED] 12 Second of Eko's attackers [DECEASED] 13 Girl Ana kills [DECEASED] *There are numerous OTHERS, but the exact count isn't clear at this time
  3. the black guy you never trusted is as close to an engineer as they have. he worked as an architecht an worked in construction. during the cave in at the cave during the first season, he was the one who surveyed the area to figure out where the weight bearing walls were and where they could start diggin to rescue jack. and as for not knowing what direction it would take, well i know thats not true. its been all written down. the island, the reasons, the others...the black smoke, the security systems...its all there. they dont freestyle that stuff. they freestyle few things with this show. they also dont show people their scripts until they absolutley have to, and if someone is going to die, they dont tell them until that day of shooting. they guy who came up with the idea for the show had a whole plot arc to follow. they arent making this all up as they go along, hoping to tie it all up. they change and adapt a bunch of shit, but the basic idea has been written for years.
  4. the hansorg site is a fan site. theres a few of them that look so official with hidden gems and shit. thehansofoundation.org is a real one that goes with the game. also oceanic has a site thats part of everything, and supposedly widmore labs. be on the lookout for fraudulent shit. i found the map on the website printed at the bottom of it. look in the "investigations" area. theres tons of shit in there to look at. translated..."cause to die."
  5. i actuall dont have a single complaint. the show is fresh. if every episode was a certain way it would get tired. im so into it it keeps me up at night.
  6. oh, and you can re-assemble the words "gary troup" into saying purgatory, which is what some people consider the island to be.
  7. also , i just found this....... The Hanso Foundation bought AD space in several metropolitan newspapers across the US. Boston was first to notice and send me an email. I've heard it's in the Chicago Tribune and LA Times, and Philadelphia Daily News too. EDIT: The AD has also shown up in New York, Washington, and Dallas (and I'm sure other places). Shout out to JENNIFER from Boston for sending it first! (BTW, this site has received over 106,000 hits!) A message From Hugh McIntyre, Director of Communications at the Hanso Foundation Don't Believe "Bad Twin" For over thirty years, The Hanso Foundation has stood for compassion and innovation, but today, our reputation has been attacked in the novel "Bad Twin," written by Gary Troup and published by Hyperion books. Throughout the pages of "Bad Twin" readers have found numerous passages featuring misinformation about the Hanso Foundation and its partners. The Hanso Foundation strongly objects to the book "Bad Twin," and encourages readers to make up their own minds. The truth about the Hanso Foundation is available at http://www.TheHansoFoundation.org and not on the pages of Gary Troup's "Bad Twin". Experience it for yourself. Thank you, and namaste. Hanso Foundation, Reaching Out to a Better Tomorrow i'll send someone some cool shit if they can find a real hard copy of this in a news paper and send it to me...the whole paper. not just the article.
  8. if you got to "thehansofoundation.org" and go to newsletter section and where there is a dialogue box type in what it asks for.. i think it wants you to create a user name for your self, then some asks if you can read this, then type in yes, then a person named persephone(from the phone message clues..she is apperently someone who has eith hacked from inside or out the hanso foundation) asks for the password. type in breaking strain and wait. then after everything is done( it takes a while, go to joops corner and type a message to joop. see what happerns. theres other weird shit too see in the website so snoop around dilligently. this weeks clue is heir apparent. go to the executive bios section the click on dr. thomas mittlewerk. in the dialouge box smack in the middle of his bio, type in the heir apparent password. just watch. when the woman has her back to you click on her, then when the red underline appears, click on that too. there was some stuff in the red and or blue xed out portion of the form that said gary troup knows too much and he must be silenced. gary troup is the person on the plane who didnt make it, but his manuscript is found by sawyer and is reading it a few episodes ago. this is the book someone was just talking about up there in the thread. its called bad twin and its listed on the book as being released posthumously as the author was on board oceanic flight 815. he supposedly wrote a book previoualy called "the valenzetti equation" which has to do with electromegnetic experimentation, something the hanso foundation is also doing. for those that dont know, alvar hanso is supposedly the one who started the darmha initiative. its all in relation to the island. hanso, darmha, widmore labs, oceanic........have fun kids.
  9. last weeks clue was Breaking Strain this weeks is Heir Apparent. go here for a rundown on everything with that game.... http://thelostexperienceclues.blogspot.com/
  10. got the book today. seems interesting. oh well.. on a correction note, that number is 1 877 HANSORG. not 1800. i'll see if i can dig up the last weeks password.
  11. go to that website in the bottom of the map. lots of info and stills. click on investigations.
  12. If you havent watched too much there may be spoilers in my post!. the number is 1800-HANSORG. theres 5 options. i suggest listening to them all, and writing that shit down. the first password isn't given anymore, but the newest one you can find at the subLYMONAL.com site by doing what someone above mentioned. this show is awesome. I dont know that its getting more "faith" based, but I do think it's getting back to the "having faith in the island because it is special somehow" thing. Locke is better when he is a mystic hunter anyway. it sucks that Libby died, because they didnt really delve too much int her story other than her also being at the same hospital as hurley....
  13. Being smart is cool. Intellectuals DON'T annoy me. "Pseudo-Intellectuals" DO.
  14. Have you all seen the bloody kitchen photo from his last rampage? he couldn't even wait to cook the damn person.
  15. Beardo is a godless killing machine. You all know it's true.
  16. Re: yo you butter aaaxe somebody... yes. hate grows inside me.........steadily. i like regional slangs to a degree, i love regional dialects, but i HATE peole who purposefully over do it because rappers are doing it. or some such nonesense.
  17. i really hate it. i hate people who are willfully ignorant. not all of any race are a specific way, but to just siddle up to your stereotype and be about it is just frustrating to me. whatever fuck everyone.
  18. because you were bucking a trend or because of your religion?
  19. i didn't give that warning........plagery!
  20. so dude, tell me why you aren't going to atlanta to cause trouble with seeks and myself?
  21. im chill. i just hate alot. its easy.
  22. fuck all major league sports anyway. therss no real loyalty, comraderie, or self sacrafice anymore. money grubbing nancy boys the whole lot of them.
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