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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. caught an iges and tead down in auburn indiana the other day. made me laugh.
  2. nice to see some new ayem shit.
  3. i like the piece in the corner. ;) i havent been in this thread in forever...some of the stuff is sweet, some is the same reycled, horrible trash that it's always been. what can you do?
  4. no, dude was right, half of 'yous' does suck at graff. if you need to be high to think otherwise, i think that just further proves his point.
  5. graff (to me) is about dedicating yourself to something, simply for personal satisfaction. it's about pushing yourself when you suck, and continuing to push even when you're decent. it's about hiding in bushes, hanging out with friends and experiencing shit that most other people will never get to. there is an 'art' in the process, but the product is just that: a product. the better it looks, the better you are at the process. it's like taking a test in school. you didn't learn all that shit to pass the test, you learned it so you'd know it, the test is just the proof. i have no interest in calling what i do "art". why would i? so i can make my family feel better about it? so i can get some gallery to put it up on the wall, so some bitch ass hipsters with no balls can latch onto something that makes them feel like they're not chicken shit cowards? no thanks. i don't care if people don't 'get' it. i'm not gonna blow smoke up someones ass and tell them i paint it to make the city look more exciting, i don't, fuck the city and fuck other peoples happiness. i paint for me and i paint for my friends. sometimes i want to paint for the haters, just to send a little 'simmma down nuuuh' message, but honestly, i don't even care about haters. maybe i should, but i don't. so no, i don't think what i paint is art. if some people feel that way, that's fine, i won't argue against it, but it's not my intention. i just like painting.
  6. people only call graffiti 'art' when they're trying to sell it to someone who doesn't understand it's inherent value. personally, i like how they handled it.
  7. they played the allstar game here? boulder, i re-uped with toronto, so when you're back, if you wanna make a trip up there, i'm down. my availability is limited, but maybe we can work something out.
  8. the better i get, the more i realize just how fucking good dibs was. and considering the fact that i painted about 50 pieces with him while we both lived in cali, you'd think i'd have something to contribute, but nope...i don't even know where they are. someday.
  9. seeking


    i won a microwave on a sidebet during a game of chess with ICH.
  10. truth of the matter is that i just hate whales. ohhhh, they make me so mad! (said like dane cook)
  11. that's fucked up, i didn't even know i rapped.
  12. dude, no offense, but are you retarded? seriously, i'm not even trying to be funny, are you?
  13. im real into it, unfortunately ive never been able to go as much as i wanted to. one of these days.
  14. Q. how many DFW members does it take to screw in a light bulb? A. who has time to change a light bulb when there's e-beef to invent? trust me, no one cares enough about you guys to have beef, E or otherwise. i understand people need excitement and all, but you should really look into something like extreme go-carting, or maybe rock climbing. this whole 'trying to make enemies on the internet' thing is just tired, trust me.
  15. wow, justin, we agree on something. that's def my favorite iges piece ever.
  16. ...I got it on smash, I make hits an yo shit trash nigga, nah you aint hot at all, so when the media ask if I fuk wit a lot of y’all, im like not at all, the last cat I heard rap, I nodded off, so I aint fukin wit nuthin if im not involved...
  17. hahaha. f'real. somebody should consider changing the order of their crew initials i think.
  18. whoever is writing alone needs to stop, now. learn some history.
  19. it's funny, sometimes ill be driving around and ill see really good spots that they (usually money) did...yet those never make it on here. it's always abandoned bullshit. if you're gonna sell your soul, atleast make it worth it.
  20. shit is deep...like the blue see. yall see that one? they ate me?! a fucking shark ate me!!!
  21. i dont know what you're talking about. there's nothing funny about coup.
  22. in the interest of keeping dumb drama to a minimum, isor, please stop posting here. no one gives a shit about what you paint or what you say. consider this to be like survivor: you just got voted off the island. thank you.
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