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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. if you cant handle criticism, dont post your work. graffiti isn't elementary school art class. we're not all special. we're not all equal. ask your cousin what graffiti's about. if he's been writing in the bay since he was 5, he should know.
  2. dude, look at other graff, then look at yours. that's what wrong. you dont know what you're doing. you dont know how to break down and change a latter. you still think (as all beginers do) that adding some jaggedy shit or extra bars makes things fresh. 10 times out of 10 it makes it worse. people arent saying why its not good, because 'everything about it' is why it's not good. not trying to be a dick, it's just truth. shit takes years to learn, dont expect to do so in a couple weeks.
  3. ...then the herbs who've never painted shit, talking like they know somehing, blah blah.
  4. oh, you mean RIME's 'R' and a bunch of letters that are boring? yeah, real sick. :rolleyes:
  5. what does 'dry snitchen' mean? is that like 'dry humping'? it sounds kinda homosexul. this thread is like watching retards slap box with pillows taped to their hands.
  6. umm.... they suck? i mean, not to be a dick, but they do. random thoughts... i was in detroit this past week for a second. i saw a few dems spots. a couple of them he seemed to do by himself. i like that, show's dedication. i can't say i love homies pieces, but he's doing his own thing, and shows improvement. for what it's worth, that's respecable.. it's pretty easy to just bite a style and go about things that way. i appreciate that he doesn't. tead is under rated. dude is one of the very few people who's still painting after 10 years. never had anything but respect for him (after he stopped writing diet that is). i always hated the fact that so few people in detroit could do a decent throw up, or even tried to do them, now all of a sudden esau's made it the cool new thing for 2007 and it just seems....weird. i like faygo's though. i can never do full name throw ups, way too many letters to try and figure out. i like two letters, two letters are manageable. it's odd to judge people based off their work, but ive yet to be wrong, so whatever. that's all.
  7. seeking


    i tried to buy shoes the other day. they all sucked. i ended up getting some element chaka boots for $19, cause i couldnt find anything else i wanted. why do skate shoes all still look like moon boots, and why are nikes rocked by every hipster faggot in the universe? why cant there be a happy medium?
  8. real gangster ass niggas dont run for shit, cause real gangsta ass niggas can't run fast.
  9. dude, in all honesty, you would not be able to push dude anywhere. he's built like a tank. his center of gravity is actually -3 feet. he walks around in a hole all day long. ever try to remove a tree stump? yeah, that's my du.
  10. dude is dangerous, apparently you didnt read his bio.
  11. i need to start training so i can fight grey.
  12. im sure gliko's writing a book right now.
  13. seeking


    BOUT OUR PEDALS for a minute i was sort of giving a shit about bikes. now its cold and im mad that i dont have a car. i wish a drunk mexican would run a pick up truck through that pile of hipster bullshit.
  14. *those faygo throws are fresh. *some cats should be paying justo royalties for sampling his style like they do. *in case anyone was worried, i'm still painting.
  15. no, you need to do work that people care about, then let them post the pictures.
  16. honestly, how can y'all even compliment most that other shit, after seeing spots like this? tead been killing since forever.
  17. hesh definitely should have been a little more BK colored. they're both pretty white. then again, we're all pretty white. hesh's hair is a little off though. he needs a philly hat, or a fucked up hairdo.
  18. please, please, please tell me that's a prescription bottle in my hand.
  19. hahaha. seriously, you nailed that shit so hard. fucking awesome.
  20. seeking


    dudes in tight girl jeans and white belts and bandanas are faggots. no excuses, no explanations, no exceptions. look like that, fuck you. does that make me insecure? no, it makes you a pussy. it doesn't even annoy me. infact, i'm glad. it gives me someone to laugh at. i'm awesome as fuck no matter what you do.
  21. i really, really want to close this. it's embaressing.
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