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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. i did a bunch of stained glass a while ago. its actually pretty fucking cool. its not quite as tedius as it sounds. that is all.
  2. i'm like you're number one fan and theres not a chance in hell i'd do that for you. ha. sounds like a fucking nightmare.
  3. if it makes you feel better, i dont think anyone wanted to see your rave flyer anyway. :/
  4. ill wait till you guys do yours, then i'll do an awful version that's sort of similar, but lacks all the small nuances that makes your guys good, it'll cause a shit storm of controversy, everyone involved will get really annoyed at the whole situation and quit participating. basically it'll be like 2001....again. i'm in. ;)
  5. i really do not like that style of graffiti at all. i miss dibs.
  6. i started in 94, so it's not like i'm johnny come lately, but still. there was a huge transformation that took place in the early 90's. it would have been nice to have been surrounded by older heads during that time, instead of fumbling around by myself behind krogers and under bridges. (no homo, of course)
  7. indeed he does. black books are super undervalued now a days. even in the short (although i guess not all that short anymore) span of my career, they went from being a coveted item to something almost seen as a sign of fraudulence. i wish i could have started 5 years sooner, in a more writer populated area. shoulda, woulda, coulda.
  8. i tried to make beards go on a drunken kinkos mission at like 3 in the morning to make copies of a bunch of pages, but beer won out. funny how frequently that happens. ebay? um...good plan i guess? ha. please let me know before you do so i can start saving.
  9. seeking


    in which wiggertastic world are those 'dressy'?
  10. seeking


    well, they still bit us. im gonna sue. got these also, on a whim, got these. i dont usually fuck with skate shoes, but i liked them for sme reason. i'd like to reiterate my love for zappos.
  11. seeking


    i was just talking to heavylox last night about how we need a shoe deal, so we can put out something reflects our laid back lifestyle. i was thinking a house shoe upper, with a more rugged sole, for when you need to walk down to the store for blunts or beers. today i go to the mall and what do i find? globe and dc had tapped my phone, designed and produced the exact shoe i was talking about OVERNIGHT!!!!!! needless to say, im about to sue.
  12. some of those are really dope. something that is bananas to me, and i dont know what to make of it exactly: as id scroll down and look at those, on a lot of them, i could instantly read the letters, but after a couple seconds, id start to lose them, and it would be much more vague and confusing. of course this speaks to the minds perceptibility, not your sketches, but you get the point. anyway, thanks. i need to start producing some shit again. its time to get busy.
  13. not to belittle the work in the center, but the outside border and the hand in the corner fucking kill. actually, the whole thing is super solid, but without the border, i dont know...it wouldn't kill as effectively or as completely. feeling it. its too bad that the world as a whole will never get to see your collection of black books. sitting on KOH's floor in portland and going through them was honestly a life changing sort of experience.
  14. note to you guys: painting your own name badly does not piss anyone off, it makes them laugh at you. just sayin.
  15. naw, i only exist on the internet, right haters? ha.
  16. ha, done with PEN. jersey in 2001. funny that things still rolling.
  17. seriously though. thats why i didnt just ban him outright. i wanted to gave him the chance to really drop some gems. oh well.
  18. really? that was all you had in you? i'm kind of let down.
  19. SBK, i'm really bored of listening to this. next time i see you posting ignorant bullshit, i'm banning you. i would just do it now, but i figured i'd give you one last warning. i'm sure you'll just tell me to 'suk yur dik', but since it will be the last post you make, i highly suggest you really step it up a notch and talk way more shit. good luck.
  20. yo dat niga wuz usin a brush he aint even reel yo suk my dik. that was my impression of half of detroit. this is my impression of the other half.
  21. thanks guys. yeah, i realize it looks like grease stains. i knew going into it that it wouldnt make sense to most people, i'm cool with that. it's one of those things thats so personal, it doesn't really matter if it makes sense. usually i think tattoos that are so cryptic or vague are kind of gay, but since it's me, the rules dont apply.
  22. dear ekzam, who? i think you've got the wrong address. did you mean toledo? sincerely, detroit
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