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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. yeah, the site went down, and i had a bunch of shit to draw for work. it was total worst timing ever. i didnt even notice poesia's new thing till just now. i no longer have internet at home. life has slowed to a crawl.
  2. seeking


    first of all... "car full of fine black girls" black girls never roll in packs of 'fine'. there will be one cute one, and then 4 ugly fat ones that serve to make the semi-attractive one look better. this right here is the first indication that you're lying. secondly, a car full of black girls are not going to fuck one white boy with a blunt. if they were wigger bitches i might buy it, but no way jose. lastly, even if it was true, anyone that fucks you because you wear crocs has got to be some sort of fucking beast. no way were they hot at all. so ultimately, your story is total bullshit, but even if it was half true, the other half would be that you just fucked a trailer full of mules. thats all.
  3. yeah, congratulations detroit! you've managed to once again be so economically and socially fucked that you're murdering young black males at a higher rate than all the other cities in the country! way to fucking go! i wish life was like a lench mob album, and blacks started killing whites for a while. i'd love to see birmingham as the murder capital for a while.
  4. son, you didnt paint a single thing the entire time you lived in michigan. nothing. no, i take that back, i got pics of you painting in a basement. ha. now you swear you crushing germany, huh? where are the flics? i asked you to show me your shit, and i'm still waiting. youve never done shit but post on message boards, stealing real writers passwords, starting shit and being a hoe. stop posting in this thread, you have absolutely no connection to this city. you've never painted here, youve never lived here, you've nuever hung out here. you are not welcome here, get off the dick.
  5. all of that was actually posted on the 15th of november too. i havent really progressed in the last 5 years, so it doesnt matter when i did things, it could have just as easily been yesterday.
  6. ive always had a lot more respect for people who paint alone. going out with 4 people is like hanging out at the bar, going out alone is painting graffiti.
  7. are you impressed with your work at 15? do you want to see what everyone else on the board was doing at 15? do you want to see everyones superimposed photoshop images? i wont say your stuff is bad, or that you should never post, just please be consciouse of what you contribute.
  8. ive been busy as shit at work, and ive got 3 big pieces i need to draw for the weekend, so mine wont be happening for a minute. try to hold back your tears an shit.
  9. no way, the beats were always good. joker listens to the sound of paper clips bending and shit.
  10. what thread? **never mind, i found it. shit's been popping up all over the place lately. amusing.
  11. thanks mams. obviously i'm pretty attached to my frames, but i totally agree that it fucks with the blue on this one. i plan to stain the wood and darken it up a bit. as soon as i saw jokers new assignment, i knew you'd be into it. stoked to see what you'll do.
  12. i just really dont even know where to begin on this one. i keep rereading you rules from it, and it's like it's greek or something. it gives me zero motivation, but heaps of confusion. ha. as an excercise though, i suppose that's exactly what we're looking for, so congrats on that. crooked, i think you're right about it bringing finality to a piece. since there is concrete 'image' going on, there is no 'proof' of it being finished, without a clear finale. the frame supplies that.
  13. i can see how his frames would add to the overall feel, because they're ornate and match well with his work. mine are just pieces of wood, cut badly and hot glued to the board. i think what it is, is that it everything i paint is dependent on space and spacial relationships. when there are no clear borders, it creates a sort of panic and confusion, which would be interesting if it wasnt totally aimless and unharnessable. if that makes any sense. also, i just really like boxes and compartmentalizing things. it's a good time. JOKER, SAVE US ALL FROM MY CONTINUED DISCUSSIONS ABOUT MYSELF.
  14. i got bid's in on beret's too, i just didnt want to mention that.
  15. well... we could all go hang out in the poetry thread until joker get's his act together.
  16. i started out with the intent to do a more literal 'landscape', but still kind of in 'my style'. the more i worked on it though, the more it just turned into the kind of thing i would usually paint. in that respect, i think i totally failed, since the whole point of these excercises is to push yourself and try new stuff. on the other hand, the fact that i completed a painting is a huge accomplishment for me, so fuck yo couch, nigga. one thing that interests me about my stuff, is that they never feel finished without frames on them. infact, i almost think they suck without frames. i dont know why a frame would make such a big difference, but to me they do. im kind of afraid that it's like in photography, where anything printed with a full frame border automatically looks better than a photo without one. maybe it's ridiculous to think so deeply about something so insignifigant, but when you're painting shit that is just a couple smears of color, every aspect factors in. blah. SB, like that glass a lot.
  17. of course the photo doesnt do it justice, but atleast it gives a hint as to the amount of layers and stuff. 'black' area is two different kinds of black, two transparent reds, transparent black, clear matte medium, transparent white and various hand mixed shades of grey the parts that look blue are reflections from the light, it doesn't look that way 'IRL'. only blue is a thin band at the top that doesnt really translate in the photo. i need a studio to take pictures of all this stuff in.
  18. not everyone can play in the NBA, that doesnt mean you should hate basketball. anyone who is serious and sincere is encouraged to participate. it's not about being an inherently great artist, it's about pushing yourself to get better. with that said, my landscape will be up, framed, tomorrow. promises.
  19. i got drunk and now im listening to sweedish stoner rock instead of getting my landscape ready for photos. i suck. sue me.
  20. i'll have mine up tomorrow. sorry it's taken so long. joker, i think we all decided you are picking the next assignment.
  21. im'a level with you like someone who's not a homie: keep that played out shit out of this thread. it's not really even an issue of the stuff sucking, it's an issue of you not giving a shit what anyone has to say. you're not posting it for constructive criticism, you're posting it cause you want to see it. being that that's the case, keep it in photoshop and stare at it all day long, we dont want it.
  22. 1.justo 2.dibs 3.tead 4.who cares that my official list.
  23. my landscape is done, but i need a chance to take it out in the sun to photograph it. taking a pic in my apartment will never do it justice. not that its some masterpiece, but for it to make any sense, it needs decent lighting. hopefully sunday i'll be able to get it up, tomorrow im booked. sorry. i put a lot of effort into it though, so sink or swim, it's got ten hours or so behind it.
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