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Everything posted by diggity

  1. Out of curiousity, whats holding you back? Do you just not like needles, don't trust the government, think it was developed too quick? Do you have any theories related to the government killing off large portions of the population in order to get their hands on that social security money in order to pay our way out of debt? I'm just joking around about the last one but I'm sure theres a conspiracy theory out there that will align with it. Best part about the vaccine is you can go back to eating as many bats as you want.
  2. From my understanding, they usually base this year's Flu shot off of last years flu strain. so since no one really got it last year it could be an issue. that said, the only time I got a flu shot, i got sick. I do think I will probably get them moving forward though. Even if it does make me sick, it will allow for me to schedule for when I might get sick. which is a hell of alot better than picking it up at random. One of the other things that came out of this past year is information design is shit across the board. You see all these numbers for cases but none of it is really clear.
  3. @Mercer Side effects hit me really hard for about 8-10 hours the night I got my shot. We got them around 5pm and then went to dinner and to the skatepark until around 11pm. Symptoms kicked in around 11:30. They came out of nowhere, it was like a switch turned on and then just as quick as they came, they went away. Most flu type symptoms - Headache, Fever, Chills, sensitive skin. The only one that lasted longer was I just didnt have any appetite for like a week or two. Wife said her's was like a hangover in the morning but then once she got fluids in her, she was good. she also had loss of appetite.
  4. Bro I love getting my teeth cleaned. Finally got them done the other day. I wish I would have planned a fast around it so that I could enjoy that fresh cleaned teeth for longer... I did my shot back when they first started offering (March 13). There was a big push to get needles into arms. they did it at a highschool where you just roll through and they stick you. It was the Johnson and Johnson one. it hit me alot harder than it hit my wiife. the rumor mill is that its like that if you have had it before but ive got a shit immune system ever since getting mono in highschool. I havent paid much attention to the news since Biden was elected. Politically I feel like I dont really have a home. Far right and far left both scare the shit out of me. Mental healthwise I dont think I could have done another 4 years of Trump and Biden is more center than left anyway so I figure lets ride this train a little while and see how that goes. I'm glad that alot of state are turning down additional unemployement for businesses. My parents have been shut down since march of last year and now that they are ready to reopen, its been very difficult for them to get people to come work. For context, they live in a very rural/low income town. The Mcdonalds there has been closing at 8pm because there arnt enough people to work. @Europewas your delay in getting the vaccine due to supply issues in Europe or other reasons? @Mercer same question. In Tennessee, it hasnt been difficult to get if you want it. There had to be something different happen in the past few days because I havent seen nearly the amount of people wearing masks in stores and what not. things are starting to feel "normal" I'm not sure if this shit is over or not but what I have learned from this experience has been over the last year, I didnt get sick at all this year. When flu season hits next time around, I'll probably mask up and do my best to stay away from people. Also while I'm far from OCD I wash my hands a lot more now. As far as people are concerned, I learned that I dont actually like many of the people I work with as much as I thought I did now that I don't see them face to face everyday.
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitol_Hill_Babysitting_Co-op
  6. So is something a currency if there is no economy in which to use it? I know dick about economy so I thought I would try to educate myself a little. So I started watching the master class on economy. The guy doing the talk brings up an example to support printing money. the simple terms of it breaks down to you have 5 families who all agree on a coupon/token exchange system. the problem is now you got these parents, all wanting to baby sit for others so they can hoard coupons for themselves so that when they do go out, they can have a full night out. It wasnt until they doubled the amount of tokens in circulation that people actually started spending them. The other reason for printing money was to help devalue your debt in order to make it easier to pay back. I think this is most likely the real reason you have so many pushing for a higher minimum wage.
  7. What is the most used cryptocurrency? I don't mean valued or traded but which of these is actually being used as a currency to buy and sell physical goods? I've read that people in countries that arnt super stable are opting to be paid in crypto because it can be more stable than their own countries currency so that just has me thinking, what are they using? Outside of Ethereum and Bitcoin, I dont hear many other names in the mainstream. I honestly dont know of anywhere I can go to spend it directly.
  8. I havent touched 3dmax in years. I use Cinema4d a fair amount but have been playing with blender just because i keep seeing people do interesting things with it. outside of pretty big speed differences, the 3090 has 24gb of vram vs the 1080's 8gb. CUDA cores are 10,500 on the 3090 vs the 2500 on the 1080. Gamewise I bet its not a huge difference but when your shaving time off frames being rendered even small differences compound greatly.
  9. @Mercer I think thats part of the reason I havent actually gotten out to skate on it yet. Hopefully this week.
  10. 8 episodes? no way they dont fuck that up. granted the first book is pretty short.
  11. I appreciate the struggle Kaladin goes through to reach his ideals but i found it a bit annoying this time around. It does help with the lore that so many get stuck at the second or third tier. I also got really annoyed with Shallan and her multiple personalities but happy with how it resolved at the end. I'm losing steam on Wheel of Time books, I think im on book 4 now and havent really gotten too far. Real life has been more insteresting as of late so I havent had the time. Hope to get back to it soon though. I'd like to go back and do mistborn series again too at some point.
  12. felt like he had to rush to start wrapping stuff up in the last 1/5th of it. I was starting to get frustrated with things plateauing.
  13. Looks like you can stream it free on cbs.com so I'll fire up episode one now and see what I think. I'm not really overly obsessed with that series but i did love the way the Hannibal tv series was done.
  14. @metronomeLet me know when you finish RoW. I've been looking for someone to talk with about it with.
  15. Have you watched Hannibal the TV series with Mads Mikkleson? Its on netflix right now. Think it topped out at 3 seasons. I really enjoyed it, I've watched it 3-4 times.
  16. Found where someone uploaded the Chris Isaak show to Youtube.
  17. That quality of those look alot better than what I am accustom to seeing. is that the printer, the model or filament size? Which printer do you like better, the filament one or the resin? When i looked into them before I was thinking of getting the Creality Ender 3 v2.
  18. @Dirty_habiTthese are hollow on the inside right? Have you ever used them to make molds and to cast things? any chance to get something that feels soft rather than hard brittle plastic?
  19. @Dirty_habiTcan you post some samples of the resin vs the filament?
  20. i've been pretty interested in 3d printers for along time but have always held back because of a few issues. * Seems like you spend all your time waiting on prints or troubleshooting, this doesn't bother me so much since I like figuring out puzzles * the quality of the print just doesn't seem as smooth as what i want. I think this might be more a problem on the filament side but i really despise those ridges that come from the multilayered prints. I've got a decent amount of experience in 3d modeling so I think I would be able to adapt to the software fairly easily but I really would be bummed out if I waited that long for something to print and it wasn't smooth/perfect.
  21. I liked armada and ready player one. I've been hesitant to start RP2 because I wasn't sure if it would hold up. Glad to hear its worth checking out. Maybe I'll break up my Wheel of Time series with it.
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