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Everything posted by MoeLarryCurly

  1. this had been treating me very well.......for those not in the know, this is the way to go... + all night and still going strongf
  2. this dude's got the same last name as my boy yemi. weird.
  3. these are closer to carbonated screwdrivers .+ + or + +
  4. michael's craft 40% coupon- justifies whatever item that i'm actually willing to pay for when i'm there
  5. i was actually prescribed this about a week and a half ago. i wasn't to keen on the idea of seroquel to begin with. i have a feeling the script will not be getting filled.
  6. you never know what you'll find dissecting furry owl shit....it's like finding the prize in a box of cracker jacks except there's a few of them.... correct me if i'm wrong but owls seem to be carnivorous as fuck. i mean they eat their prey whole rather than pick it apart.
  7. this picture may need to be moved to crossfire. j/k
  8. i heard sandpaper is cheaper and comes in various grits, depending on the chaffing desired
  9. yeah, who would've thought, of all people, that it would happen to KRS ONE's son.
  10. haha....catfisting, grabbling,hogging, tickling, all sound like things i do to certain kinds of fish.:lol:
  11. http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1564396/20070710/krs_one.jhtml Jul 10 2007 10:40 AM EDT Randy Hubbard Parker, KRS-One's Son, Dead At 23 In Apparent Suicide Rapper's son suffered from 'severe depression.' By Shaheem Reid Randy Hubbard Parker, son of rapper KRS-One, was found dead in his Atlanta apartment over the weekend in an apparent suicide. He was 23. Simone Parker, KRS-One's wife and Randy's mother, said Tuesday (July 10) in a statement that her son's death was related to "severe depression." The family is planning a private memorial service in Florida on July 18, which would have been Randy's 24th birthday. Plans for an August memorial service in New York are under way. The Fulton County Medical Examiner's office said Parker died on Friday from a gunshot wound to the head, and listed the cause of death as suicide. KRS-One was on tour overseas with producer Marley Marl and was not available for comment at press time, but the statement conveyed his and Simone Parker's appreciation to everyone who has offered condolences.
  12. well i'm off to take a warm shower...it's cold on this side of the country.
  13. i just find it funny how abc tkaes things more seriously than even i do, and alos likes to be nitpicky, nothing wrong with that.
  14. good thing i haven't done anything ban worthy.........
  15. that is assuming the pedophile sticks out and does not look like the lot of pta parents. parents can be pedophiles too...too many variables haha.
  16. ^^pedophiles like housewives/parents?^^ that's a new one to me. had to be nitpicky.:rolleyes:
  17. Re: its very possible i will destroy my brother the next time i see him at least he didnt take a few g's from you. or spit in your shoe. needless to say i cleaned the spit out of my shoe with his toothbrush.
  18. leave the kiss makeup to kiss....
  19. i don't think i've seen a thread more retarded thread than this in my life.
  20. is that the house that the gun dude's wife kept adding additions to for 20+ years?
  21. yeah, what's also weird is how he spread all of it out during the weekend. apparently he killed his wife on friday, his son on saturday, and then hung himself by the pulley of his weight machine.
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