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dr. frink one

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Everything posted by dr. frink one

  1. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11675822/site/newsweek/ Crime: 'Netbangers,' Beware Street gangs are going online to compare notes and pick fights. But the cops are right behind them. "Yo blood - whats your set?" "Google. Throw it up."
  2. bump for motorcycles and racing on that track and playstation but fuck a mazda rx whateverthefuck or a miata for that matter.
  3. one punch and mike tyson would send bruce lee into orbit. mike tyson is god. that being said - he'd have to get one punch in first. i feel like even if bruce lee blocked one of mikes hooks he would just get his forearm broken. iron mike is ferocious
  4. "its like juice on the stoop - how I got 'em hi - c? " jr writer
  5. the "fuck ckt - fuck p. skool" stuff is cute. the "cool crews" stuff is even cuter. It gave me a warm fuzzy feeling. I think we all agree its pretty important for us to know not only who you hate - but also who you jock.
  6. today I wore, Black Ben Davis Pants Black Nerve Agents Small Shirt Black Converse Black Dickies padded zipup jacket and my jesus belt..
  7. i just have to go ahead and give a round of applause for Europe... always posting some of the best threads around...
  8. seriously....that guy is one of my main heroes..... i just can't get enough, that black and yellow one with the paint is on a popular onramp to the bay bridge (high traffic) and is about 2 feet from the road....i don't understand how he did it without getting caught
  9. how much, on average, would you say a single "coasting ghost car" would weigh
  10. i would choose the bates over the risk any day.....look how it flows.... makes me want to say something really clever....
  11. dr. frink one


    beat this fucking bike http://www.internerd.com/frinky/images/screenshots/cyclea.gif'>
  12. dennis leary...rocks the house
  13. does anybody get tired of these? ------------------ "in a world so distraught, with chaos and hate, we scramble for answers, to ease the fucking pain. Its a rough road to travel, this life that we were given, out there together, and together we are screaming" Eric Ozenne WITH AN EDGE SO STRONG IT CAN'T BE BROKEN.
  14. again....i know there are many more MSK people....but i can't find many pictures... gkae saber fate? yea..... if you get them post them
  15. NORM http://www.hifiart.com/murals/padgett/norm.jpg'> I WOKE UP EARLY...got bored...enjoy
  16. NORM http://www.hifiart.com/murals/josh/norm_112499.jpg'> VENOM SEVER http://www.hifiart.com/murals/josh/vnmsever_111499.jpg'> VENOM http://www.hifiart.com/murals/josh/tbkend_venom.jpg'> AWR FOR FUNhttp://www.hifiart.com/murals/padgett/alex_awr.jpg'> NORM http://www.hifiart.com/murals/padgett/alex_wrnrm.jpg'> REVOK SABERhttp://www.hifiart.com/murals/sfmurals/revok_saber.jpg'> MY EYES HURT
  17. NORM VENOM http://www.hifiart.com/murals/padgett/12399_normvenom.jpg'> MSK http://www.hifiart.com/murals/padgett/121299_msk.jpg'> REVOK http://www.hifiart.com/murals/padgett/121299_revok.jpg'> REVOK http://www.hifiart.com/murals/josh/122099_msk2revok.jpg'> SEVER http://www.hifiart.com/murals/josh/122099_msk3sever.jpg'> REVOK http://www.hifiart.com/murals/padgett/revokreyes_012200.jpg'> REVOK http://www.hifiart.com/murals/padgett/12399_revok.jpg'>
  18. REVOK http://www.hifiart.com/murals/sfmurals/revoktracks.jpg'> SEVER http://www.hifiart.com/murals/sfmurals/severecoors.jpg'> SEVER http://www.hifiart.com/murals/padgett/sleazesever.jpg'> REVOKhttp://www.hifiart.com/murals/padgett/sleazerevok.jpg'> HAS YOUR COMPUTER SURVIVED?
  19. REVOK http://www.hifiart.com/murals/sfmurals/revoksphere.jpg'> SABER http://www.hifiart.com/murals/sfmurals/saberill.jpg'> REVOKhttp://www.hifiart.com/murals/padgett/revok_bwsimple.jpg'> ZES AND REVOKhttp://www.hifiart.com/murals/sfmurals/padg_zes_revok.jpg'> REVOKhttp://www.hifiart.com/murals/sfmurals/revok2.jpg'>
  20. there are many other people in msk. for example....post saber, post gkae....there are tons but in my experience I just can't get enough of SEVER and REVOK....don't stop amazing me
  21. actually it isn't all from hifi..most of those i have already seen but these pictures are better. i figured that not many people would look through hundreds of pages of pictures, so i just made a compilation of the best ones.... jesus
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