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Abstract Rationality

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Everything posted by Abstract Rationality

  2. ever been bit in the head by a mosquito? Prob the worst spot to get bit. This nigg had 4 inch nails in his dome.
  4. You a damn lie. ALL of us have wanted to hit a woman at one point, it's part of being a man. HITTING? Unless she's got a knife, that's some coward shit. Shake the shit out of her.
  5. DAMN Police hope the graphic image of Chen Liu's skull will help them track down his killer. Detectives said the nails, which measure up to 85mm long, were fired into his head by a high-powered nailgun. His decomposed body was found floating in the Georges River in southern Sydney in November. It had been bound with electrical wire and wrapped in a domestic rug. Since then, the trail has gone cold and detectives released the x-ray as part of a fresh appeal for information. Officers believe Mr Liu, 27, was shot and killed before being driven to the river in his own 4WD and dumped. Detective Inspector Mark Newham told local media that post-mortem examination results had showed Mr Liu was shot repeatedly in the head up to 30 times with a high-powered nailgun. "Similar types of nailguns can fire nails up to 85mm long," Mr Newham said. Detectives said the nailgun used in the murder was a standard cordless, framing, gas-charged gun, widely available for sale and hire. Mr Liu was believed to be homosexual and lived with his partner in Rockdale. He was reported missing by a male friend two weeks before two children, aged 9 and 14, found his body while on a canoeing trip. He emigrated to Australia from China in 2000.
  6. Dude. You're dying. TWO WEEKS? way too long for a cold...
  7. Old lady to another old lady.... "I can't beleive he's wearing a cowboy hat, especially here at McDonalds...He should go back to Mexico and wear it there" Texas??
  8. "CHUPAPPROVED" LOL... Word, that barbershop episode was crazy....and Dominicano fled like muthafuck... How about that episode in Tennesse I think, where dude in his own apartment building got in a shoot-out with some kats in a parking lot.... He got off too for bucking one of them in self defense....
  9. For those who may not know, it is reality TV. None of this is scripted, of course, there has to be some form of modifications in order to have a show. Still, these are real cases, real murders, real interrogations. As far as asking for a lawyer, a lot of the crimes are so senseless, heat of the moment type. Most of these people are VERY stupid and do not know their rights, so they buckle under the pressure of a detective. I don't know where you guys are from, but over my way I live around shoot-outs, murders, etc....You always wonder who? when? and why? This show gives that side of the coin...
  10. Anyone else addicted? Has to be the sickest show in a long time...
  11. FoUnD tHiZ oNe http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v477/trouduc/just%20had/7.jpg'>
  12. i think all the cops and security guards moved to Chicago....left europe a playground for kids and cans....
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