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Al Green

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Everything posted by Al Green

  1. im not really a bape guy... but some of you might be.. http://www.hypebeast.com/archives/2006/02/...thin.php#003553
  2. in the 2nd one he had horizontal bands of metal right? I dont like the Jim Lee Infinite Crisis cover..
  3. ^^the girl on the left has some serious goth rave boots on.. and the girl on the far right is some model.. she pops up everywhere. never has dialogue.
  4. john byrne, marc sylvestri, walt simonson, John Romita Jr., Barry Windsor Smith, Lee Weeks. ...early 90's late 80's these guys were the shit!
  5. dood eat it youre no fun.. ..time
  6. dood.. theres a thread called fonts..
  7. white castle makes burgers that have the consistency of cottage cheese, mac and cheese and snot.. with the taste of gristle and bone marrow.. with some fatty flavor additive.. those things are bunk. only extremely drunk people and stoners think those things are a good idea.. but cheers on new castles.
  8. why do they always use rhode island as a referential point of describing landmass. seriously.. '...about the state of rhode island." is so commonly used.. its suspect.
  9. that font is ugly.. looks like some david carson shit..all 90's
  10. chronos...haha <<mams used to tazer himself to improve his popping and locking skills.
  11. i hate fantastic planet.. watch wizards. necron 99.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/?v=X8cjRsmjUAw
  13. http://www.digave.com/videos these videos are all pretty nuts.. makes me get a bit of a nostalgic adrenaline rush.
  14. the gonz.. is the manz.
  15. http://www.manrecordings.com/Video/EDU_K_big.mov dont sleep
  16. my ex girlfriend from over 3 yrs ago decided to spend the better half of friday prank calling me.
  17. i agree... bummer on the above statement http://www.handselecta.com
  18. http://learningdump.blogspot.com/2006/01/t...odoo-curse.html BlogThis! Learning Dump Sunday, January 29, 2006 Tech Prank: Microsoft Word Voodoo Curse Tech Prank: Microsoft Word Voodoo Curse Step 1 Open Microsoft Word on your victim's computer, then go to the program's AutoCorrect feature (Tools/AutoCorrect), which is designed to catch spelling errors and automatically fix them. Step 2 Instruct the program to replace the word "the" with "thee," "but" with "butter," or "of" with "off." Then really get creative. Step 3 Look on as Bob from Customer Service sends a company-wide e-mail that reads: "Please forward all requests about greasy duck butter and Slavic cabbage fart to the strange mole on my schvontz. Spank you. Cock balls banana." posted by Learning Dump at 3:58 AM << Home Previous Posts Spider stomping 2k6 XP On Your Thumb Drive Sex.com Sold to Escom LLC For $14M Forgot your Windows password? No problems : Password resetting and recovering techniques Make an Invisible person in your photo
  19. ive never got an explanation as to how scientologists are allowed to solicit in the subway system here in new york. No other religious or commercial group is allowed to set up booths (stress tests) but the scientologists are.. i dont get it.. can someone explain this to me.?
  20. 'belts are for holding your pants up'
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