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nickel slick

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Everything posted by nickel slick

  1. Something about that color scheme looks so familiar :o I think cuz it's stolen :lol: Can someone tell me tho, how did he feel her snatch? Was it gently? Softly? Sexually? Someone fill me in please. Thanks.
  2. Lol its hipster holocost over here u already kno don't bring that shit to the chi!!!!
  3. Oh word? That looks like a diss to me. Somebody better explain themselves....
  4. dam Metue str8 bit Vespa's color scheme on that one!
  5. SPEK (with a aura, second outline, forcefield, whaterver you want to call it) TINT KEM JEKOL GOMA BROKE TAHOE TYPE MAYOR JARE HAVE VEGAN PEPE nice thread
  6. Anyone remember Kazaa.... is that still around anymore? I used that after Napster went down. Now I fuck with Ares, but I'm not up on the computer technology curve so that is probably not very good.
  7. ^^^^Good call. The apprenticeship isn't going anywhere either, so if you still wanna do it, it will be there waiting for you when you're done with school. And you'll have a High School Degree on top of that.
  8. Re: -sudz- is back. bitch recognize. Yes, party up top indeed. Definatley the best thing to happen to 12oz in a while.
  9. Re: SUDDZ Wow... Sudz is back. That is crazy. He definately needs his old screen name back. This brings me back.... Its been a long time, 12oz.... I've been lurking for 8 years now I really feel like I know some of you people. Too bad I never really posted anything until a month ago.
  10. This is a TRUE story so I thought I'd put it here. I found it posted in the 3rd rail but it really belongs here in the TRUE STORY thread... "i was painting in a yard and my girlfriend was fingering herself in front of my panels which was rad! then the police came but luckily one of the police man was ron jeremy and all he wanted to do was get laid so he and my girl had sex and she deep throated him while i chilled in the patrol car smoking doobies with the other officer..then ron jeremy painted a half car that said 'get jiggy'. I bombed the police car aswell but they didnt care they just asked if they could fuck my girlfriend again. She was dead by this stage because she got an electric shock on the lines. after that shit got crazy...." TRUE STORY
  11. I filed for myself last year and used the wrong table to calculate my standard deduction, so I thought I owed like $450. I sent in $450, then got a check back 3 months later for $200 from uncle Sam. The check had a little note that said I used the wrong table and here is some money back.
  12. I get one paid sick day a month, so I end up calling in "sick" about once a month. It kind of looks bad because everyone knows that I'm not really sick, but I figure thats not really my problem cuz they're the ones giving out all the sick days and if they're gonna give em out them Ima use them.
  13. I remember Sudz, who drew pictures of cows, and some kid named Nak who was a just starting out writing.... I wonder if these kids stuck with it and where they are today....
  14. Most definitely a human living on Mars. No doubt in my mind about it.
  15. I read this whole thread I was so bored at work... It got me 20 minutes closer to 5. Thank you.
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