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Everything posted by LIVERWURST*

  1. So the issue I'm coming across in my search is that I'm having a hard time identifying "good" brands or technology. When I poke around cNet.com the cheaper drives, external or not, seem to be seen as garbage if reviewed at all. Any brands you would recommend? I need to move like 100gb off my comp (so I'm looking for maybe a 200gb drive), but I'd like it to remain quickly accessible as if it were still on the main computer. If that last part isn't even an issue, it just reinforces my need for your help <insert smiley face which I can not bring myself to type>... Thanks.
  2. It used to be a group of people talking about liq and/or interesting stories related to drunkenness. Now its a bunch of teenagers trying to prove how drunk they think they got...
  3. Quaranta-Due Condemned This guy has to be one of the most banned people ever in the history of the internet. Anyway, I am headed to get a bagel, ham, egg and cheese because they are delicious.
  4. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD There is a few people into these bikes at work and I swear half of them have eaten shit and walk with limps because of it.
  5. Used to as in you now know better?
  6. Not that I havent, in a beligerant state, taken gross shots in the privacy of my home, but taking shots of rum sounds like a horrible idea almost anytime.
  7. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD First time on the internet?
  9. I drank an entire 5th of Jack last night and now I feel like shit. I have to go out to dinner for a birthday tonight, but I don't even want to stand up let alone eat.
  10. ^Yup. Scotch is something you would ruin by adding coke, but whiskey is really nothing special. The higher end stuff can be respected (though I'm not that into it), but to act like coke would ruin Makers Mark is like saying adding juice to Absolut ruins vodka. Anyways, the lady and her friend are drinking margaritas made from my tequila in the dining area. I was lazy so I made a vodka and root beer. They acted like I was weird for that combo - I told them to clean my kitchen and go to the bedroom. They thought I was kidding...
  11. I should add they are from the new season, not last season. Cheers.
  12. I'm drinking chardonnay (post salmon) and watching the first 2 episodes of Dexter...
  13. I almost bought a bottle of that Sailor Jerry rum this week, but I was buying to make daiquiris so I wasn't exactly concerned with the rum. I'm going to grab a bottle to try this week...
  14. I wish I could rack liquor. I rarely need to use my credit card, but for some reason all the liquor stores around me use a system that is really sensitive so my normal debit card doesn't work, but my rarely used credit card is cleaner so it does. So every time I go to pay my credit card bill, all I'm paying for is my liquor purchases. This month I am questioning my spending having purchased a few gifts - it would seem I owe around $300 in liquor from this month alone.
  15. Drinking this right now. /No apple juice :p
  16. Whiskey and apple jiuce is good? That sounds gross as fuck.
  17. Dear Asians at Costco - Its bad enough your people can't drive cars, but why do you make me push your cart back into you and your wife because you are incapable of having a cart in line without clipping my ankles twice? PS - do you think your wife though it was hot when I pushed your cart into you?
  18. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD Stolen from another site...
  19. Re: Bike to britain with this big ol potato. Hardt. No bandito
  20. Re: Bite my ankle with this big old potato. Hard. No habla espanol
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