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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/17/2013 in all sections

  1. Frances Ha is my favorite of Baumbach's movies. Baumbach is obviously obsessed with the 1970s, and with Frances he captures our current hipster culture in the film-style of Woody Allen's Manhattan, black-and-white film and all. It's a lovely homage that makes perfect sense. The film is also very funny – frustrating, of course, and messy, and she makes such stupid decisions! – but as much as I laughed at Frances, I found myself directing my laughter inward. I have probably done most of the stupid things she does. Frances Ha is on Netflix Instant at the moment, and it's only about 90 minutes. Believe me, it's worth your time.
    1 point
  2. Long story short that picture says it all. Bashed in tank under inflated tires you wear barely any gear yet you have a back protector enjoy bleeding out in a crash. You're bikes shocks are fried you add weight to it with the bullshit cage and you're rear hand brake set up is also bullshit. You rev the piss out of your bikes burn your tires off because you want people to look at you. Your mother didn't kiss and hug you enough as a child. Your culture is the reason why my insurance rates are so high...GTFO... We assume you cant ride because what you do doesn't take much skill or balls. You slap a big sprocket on and wheelie in a parking lot till you get good then hit the highway and put other peoples lives at risk. Good job. We put these bikes on a track because that is where they belong. What we do takes skill and appreciation of why these bikes were made this way. If you want respect buy a trials bike and do what you do. Otherwise learn about motorcycling and use the bike for what it was built for.
    1 point
  3. soup the hate is strong with in you why? why do ppl hate stunters so much evem other motorcycle brethren? you said he has the same bike as you yet you dont mention the rear hand brake set up, the sub frame, big sprokett ect your a hater. you dont have to identify with the culture but you dont have to bash it homie.you assume he cant ride why? have fun at the track with all the dudes in tight leather cause we know their aint no hoes there EVER! id rather be nailing then railing.
    1 point
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