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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/24/2007 in Posts

  1. edited to say.....PROPS ME and I'll PROPS YOU BACK
    5 points
  2. i propzed peoples and they havnt propzzed me back santa is goign to shit inyour stockings
    4 points
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2NRq11EDAQ
    2 points
  4. remember whose line is it anyway? yeah... the props are kinda like the points on that show. i gave mines out to who i could.
    2 points
  5. Where the fuck was Jazz the whole time?? Did he finally get the message from Uncle Phil and stop coming by??
    2 points
  6. i would really like to know the finer details of the points system. but if thats already been explained, go into the sleep problems thread and place blame there, cuz tomorrow, i will have forgotten where i said this.
    2 points
  7. how you like them apples tubesocks? enjoy those points how much are my shits worth by the way?
    2 points
  8. send me into five my brothers and sisters. i wanna live ill hit back every single one of you once this son of a bitch hit the people i owe back. nighty night
    2 points
  9. propped out on this page
    1 point
  10. i was just creepin in the VIP proppin niggas. yeaaaaaaaaaaaa
    1 point
  11. I'm fucking shaking I want to beat this mother fucker until he doesn't know what a phone is, but then I think how he is a little bitch and I will probably catch a case over a phone, I don't really know what to do. Usually I leave the petty shit like this to karma because I can afford a new phone and it is my fault for being so fucked up and leaving it there in the first place. Then I think maybe it was the world's way of telling me I was fucking up? Because those people were the only link between me and being really ripped and doing cocaine. I kind of feel like I'm getting checked right now because I will never associate with those fucks ever again and that was my only link to bad shit.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. one of our family traditions during the holidays is when some dumb ass walmart employee asks my kids if they're ready for santa my kids say " Santa is fake, we don't celebrate Christmas" It makes us oh, so jolly.
    1 point
  14. Happy holidays all. Sorry the image is big, just right click and save as a desktop pic.
    1 point
    1 point
  16. this was one of my faves all this shit im posting was done when i was like 13-16 i had more model pics in this way but i dont know where they went
    1 point
  17. ok this was made back when i used to be into warhammer however, the scale isnt the normal little figures, but for "Inquisitor" it never took off, but whatever i made this out of chopped up old action figures inspired by: but mine is way bigger
    1 point
  18. toe cutter sent me a bunch of shit in the mail.
    1 point
  19. I ain't gonna get shit. So I got myself a bunch of things. See the "Your Latest Purchase" thread for what I got myself. Oh yeah, I am gonna get something. Drunk. I was smoking weed at work today because there was a power outage...that was pretty cool. A coworker did a tail whip off the alignment rack and landed into a fire that we started using brake cleaner.
    1 point
  20. http://www.spankwire.com/ this was too good not to share with you guys free streaming porn galore tons of quality shit enjoy that is all
    1 point
  21. Re: i want to cmeup later 2007ola last night at my birthday, high five bitches! dunno what's going w/ the hand at the fun zone
    1 point
  22. too bad you get periods i gotcha back crook
    1 point
  23. too bad you dont have a vagina
    1 point
  24. I drink at least $20 a night, how can you not afford something that is the same as $1.50 a month?
    1 point
  25. i highly doubt most of us are really taking this serious. i mean like really serious. nah. maybe like some nerd seriousness if anything! haha. either way, thanks fuckers i'm at 4 blocks now.
    1 point
    1 point
  27. how am I scum when we have the same number of bars vaj but this prop shit is getting lame we don't even know what they really do yet
    1 point
  28. nah dude that shits 110% cosigned
    1 point
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