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tyler durten is love

Giving Tree

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quote from kettie kat the crack whore.:


Since when does someone have to be your husband or baby's daddy for you to care about them and be concerned for them.






Tyler's reply: since SHUT THE FUCK UP. and shut the fuck up.











dude, i seriously think your my friend from high school who moved to n.y. like 5 or 6 years ago. that or a seperated section of the same minion spawned by the devil himself.



post funny tyler shit here.

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Guest KabnetRaydr

Giving tree what high shcool did you go to

Was it one of those cool ones that everyone sang songs in

or was it one of those ones where the football team ruled the school

Or where the teachers some how mysteriously started making kids become these crazy kids and everyone had these super powers but you really needed to drink a lot of water

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Guest ctrl+alt+del

doctur durdeness once told me

"die, or try dying, there is nothing else"


strong words, strong man.

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how can i not..........






















































and ctrl.alt...............if you really cared for me and the teachings of buddha, youd send me aim greetings again. but your a filthy queerbag whore. go love hitler......s'more.

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tyler is a TRL loving geek!


don't you know that the N is a low life???


i know your sXe. i drank many beers this evening and liked it; i told a 19 yr old hottie girl from VA that i was 23 (we'll see the deal when i call her tomorrow).


tyler loves the misfits too.......don't you forget!!!!

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