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check this shit out.....remember to proof read!!

mental invalid

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Originally posted by kaesthebluntedwonder

i dunno man, foreigners aren't that dumb



didnt say they were. but its good business strategy to have your employees speek the native tongue and have maybe at least a working knowlege of american history.

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i just noticed that my original post was supposed to say


"remind me NOT to hire foreigners to do my typing."


which was a joke, first off.


second, it doesnt say how the information was passed on to the final engraver. so it very well could have been a verbal request in the midst of a conversation pertaining to the whole MLK assasination, (which this plaque is commemorating) in which case the name james earl ray would most definitely be thrown about. easily confused when dealing with james earl jones.


i have no beef with foreigners.

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