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  1. this threads turning out pretty nice. good work peepz.
  2. Good to see someone bringing fine/studio art aesthetics to the graff enthusiasts. Diebenkorn's stuff has been a great inspiration to me since the first time I saw one of his paintings. His technique is really thought provoking. Thanks for the post!
  3. Happy 100 canvas thread! I like the scorpion tail spade. at least I think it's a scorpion tail?
  4. I agree. I loved the old misfits shit. Then samhain was pretty good, but shortly after Glenn started Danzig I think he lost credibility and started to way suck.
  5. That's some strange stuff. A lot of it doesn't really adhere to the rules of English language. I only read about a sixteenth of the document, then I got frustrated and quit. Where is that link from?
  6. YEN

    Whats up with ATM?

    It might have something to do with Adobe buying Macromedia, but to my knowledge macromedia never made font software. Seems adobe has a lot of change lately. CS2, and the macromedia buy out, maybe they figured they'd concentrate elsewhere since extensis suitcase seems to be the norm for font management. Who knows?
  7. anyone plan on checking out the New Rob Zombie flick? I think it's called "the Devils Rejects."
  8. on the new topic relating to my post: the bonus footage is at a park that's been bombed all to hell. Some decent graff on it. peace.
  9. I stumbled upon unlocking more bonus footage on "what if". I don't know if anyone has posted this already, so here goes: go to special features menu. watch ronnie creager indoor part all the way through. let it play...it will return to the special features screen. don't touch a thing. after a minute you will notice that the dvd is scrolling through the special features options on its own. it will eventually land on the large "what if" logo out to the side. you will hear a noise and the new footage will start. it is called: Footage From Transfer Tape "W.l. Park'94" It's not too long, but entertaining nonetheless. The cool part about this is, you really don't have to do anything to unlock it, just let it play and don't touch any thing after selecting the Ronnie Creager Indoor Part. Enjoy.
  10. oh boy. I thought there might actually be flix.
  11. Know of any other "what if?" unlockables?
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