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Empty shelves at walmart


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lol a bunch of graffiti writers trying to take the moral high ground. fuck all that bullshit, whats the difference between this and racking? regardless the losses are going to be put back on the consumer to compensate, so it is what it is.



but this is 12oz so there is a 70/30 chance that you guys don't rack or paint etc.

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Are they fuckin animals for somehow being smart enough to know about this and getting over, or are they fuckin animals for being black?

Are you a fuckin animal for racking paint? Or are you not a fuckin animal because you're white?

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lol a bunch of graffiti writers trying to take the moral high ground. fuck all that bullshit, whats the difference between this and racking? regardless the losses are going to be put back on the consumer to compensate, so it is what it is.



but this is 12oz so there is a 70/30 chance that you guys don't rack or paint etc.



"You must spread some more reputation around before giving it to romero again".



I'm sure his stance would be different if it was a bunch of white kids taking advantage to get paint -vs- a bunch of black families taking advantage to get food.

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the minute the race card is pulled I call ignorance. EBT is used by all races. My brother, white, and his wife, Romanian. Cut out that ignorant racist bull shit. The use of EBT is shameful from the beginning. Get a job, work hard, and support what you have in your life. If people from other countries can live her illegally and support their families with out this EBT then so can US Citizens.

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Justifying racking along with over doing EBT expenses is just plain wrong. Its like a criminal guilty of murder saying that rape was ok in his defense. Why make this forum a cave of criminals by arguing such a point. What they were doing was going beyond what they were allowed purchase at one point in time. that is breaking the law, that is wrong. Plain and simple. Simple being you mental faculties.

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EBT is used by all races. My brother, white, and his wife, Romanian. Cut out that ignorant racist bull shit.


How many white people did you see in this video clip.

How many white people do you know who rack paint from Walmart on the regular?

How many black people did you see in this clip?

How many of them were racking food?

Why do you think OP called them animals when he most likely has a history of racking paint from Walmart?

And you're the one calling "ignorance"?

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the minute the race card is pulled I call ignorance. EBT is used by all races. My brother, white, and his wife, Romanian. Cut out that ignorant racist bull shit. The use of EBT is shameful from the beginning. Get a job, work hard, and support what you have in your life. If people from other countries can live her illegally and support their families with out this EBT then so can US Citizens.



Justifying racking along with over doing EBT expenses is just plain wrong. Its like a criminal guilty of murder saying that rape was ok in his defense. Why make this forum a cave of criminals by arguing such a point. What they were doing was going beyond what they were allowed purchase at one point in time. that is breaking the law, that is wrong. Plain and simple. Simple being you mental faculties.


So then you're comparing murder and rape to racking food, but racking paint is different?

Or is racking paint the same as murder and rape?


And while you're at it: your brother is white, but his wife is "Romanian"?

Since when is Romanian not white?

Either way, you're telling your brother and his "Romanian wife" to just get a job and work hard and everything will be alright. I'm willing to bet that your brother and his wife both have jobs and work harder than you. We live in 2013 America where 98% of us are fucked up and living from paycheck to paycheck. And you can front all you want, but I seriously doubt that you are in the 2% who isn't. And if you were, that would just go back to my point about you not having the faintest idea of what the fuck hard work is.

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I didnt watch the clip, I took into an account that as a nation wide whole there would be a balance of characters. Do I have to judge from what i see in the video? Should I assume that because there are "blacks" or "whites" in the video then they are the over all cause? Am I a bad person for just considering the situation rather than the "races" involved?


You are the one counting faces. You are the once pulling race.

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So then you're comparing murder and rape to racking food, but racking paint is different?

Or is racking paint the same as murder and rape?


And while you're at it: your brother is white, but his wife is "Romanian"?

Since when is Romanian not white?

Either way, you're telling your brother and his "Romanian wife" to just get a job and work hard and everything will be alright. I'm willing to bet that your brother and his wife both have jobs and work harder than you. We live in 2013 America where 98% of us are fucked up and living from paycheck to paycheck. And you can front all you want, but I seriously doubt that you are in the 2% who isn't. And if you were, that would just go back to my point about you not having the faintest idea of what hard work is about.


This kid is for real? ^^^. Hilarity at its best. You gotta be some Cartmen-esque kid with some hermaphroditic mother. Romanians is white huh? what cause of their skin color? pfft what about culture kid? So the white south africans or white? not south africans by culture? What about Spaniards, Cubans, Mexicans, and Puerto Ricans? Things differ dumb ass. Ill agree with with you yeah pay check to pay check shit is tough. And pay check to pay check at least means someone is busting their ass to get that check. Im talking about those collecting the check and not doing shit. That is what Im angry about. IM not labeling race or anything. Ive done what it takes to survive and pay the bills, taxes, what ever.

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Ah. so you take the easy way out. Show us DAO. Show us just how you know life is tough. Show us youre the player. Show us that youre the real deal...youre just some fat piece of crap that just likes to rack 10000 (thats ten thousand, dont count the zeros) replies on a forum a year to prove himself.

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This kid is for real? ^^^. Hilarity at its best. You gotta be some Cartmen-esque kid with some hermaphroditic mother. Romanians is white huh? what cause of their skin color? pfft what about culture kid? So the white south africans or white? not south africans by culture? What about Spaniards, Cubans, Mexicans, and Puerto Ricans? Things differ dumb ass. Ill agree with with you yeah pay check to pay check shit is tough. And pay check to pay check at least means someone is busting their ass to get that check. Im talking about those collecting the check and not doing shit. That is what Im angry about. IM not labeling race or anything. Ive done what it takes to survive and pay the bills, taxes, what ever.


Is this fucking joker trying to claim that Romanians are not white???


Romania is a eastern European country where the whitest of white people come from!!!

Romanians are whiter than me for fucks sake!!!


You are fucking retarded.

Yes, white Europeans in South Africa are white.

If you don't believe me, go to South Africa and ask the locals of both races.

Yes, white people in Cuba, Mexico Puerto Rico etc are white!!!

No matter how much they hate their own race and try to deny it!!!

And a lot of them do.

But you trying to claim that Romanians and white people in South Africa don't consider themselves white is a first!


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. Im talking about those collecting the check and not doing shit. That is what Im angry about. IM not labeling race or anything. Ive done what it takes to survive and pay the bills, taxes, what ever.


What about those who collect unemployment checks that they earned with their own tax dollars that they payed when they were working?

What about those who are disabled through a work related injury, or otherwise, and can't work?

What about those who just don't qualify for the jobs that are out there because there's 100+ better qualified applicants?

The problem with you people is that you honestly believe that unregulated capitalism is sustainable without a socialist counterbalance for the weak and feeble.

The Nazis answer to that was to just throw them all into the death camps alongside the jews.

What exactly would YOUR answer to that be?

Would you just be cool with your brother and his "Romanian wife" being thrown into death camps so that we don't have to pay taxes to barely feed them?

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Ah. so you take the easy way out. Show us DAO. Show us just how you know life is tough. Show us youre the player. Show us that youre the real deal...youre just some fat piece of crap that just likes to rack 10000 (thats ten thousand, dont count the zeros) replies on a forum a year to prove himself.


And you're just some Fox News brainwashed sheep who has been trained to hate your own people while somehow not relating yourself to them.

How is that going for your social life?

Either way, I'm sure as soon as you get laid off from your paycheck-to-paycheck job you'll be the first one in the unemployment line.

I'm sure you'll also be signing up for food-stamps the next if not the same day.

I'm also sure you'll be counting your blessings that you still live in a society where those still exist.

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Culture is what my aim was not color.


I'm white. I currently live in south Texas where I'm outnumbered by actual Mexicans.

Does that mean I get to rub a brown crayon all over my body and claim I'm "Mexican" by proxy?

Or do I get to do that without rubbing a brown crayon all over my body?

Since when does proximity eliminate ancestry?

And if that's the case, then aren't all of Congress "Native American" by proxy?

What about the KKK? Since they live in America, aren't they now Injuns?

Yeah, that would be about as stupid as your argument.

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This kid is for real? ^^^. Hilarity at its best. You gotta be some Cartmen-esque kid with some hermaphroditic mother. Romanians is white huh? what cause of their skin color? pfft what about culture kid? So the white south africans or white? not south africans by culture? What about Spaniards, Cubans, Mexicans, and Puerto Ricans? Things differ dumb ass. Ill agree with with you yeah pay check to pay check shit is tough. And pay check to pay check at least means someone is busting their ass to get that check. Im talking about those collecting the check and not doing shit. That is what Im angry about. IM not labeling race or anything. Ive done what it takes to survive and pay the bills, taxes, what ever.


Romania is in Europe, just because they are in the Balkans and don't fit with stereotypical honkies from the north and west Europe doesn't change genetics.


don't act like EBT is some horrible thing and that people just need to "work harder" sometimes you don't have a choice, a lot of places you have to work 2 or 3 jobs just to barely scrape by, and even still that shit isn't enough. minimum wage is slave wages in this country. and that's where ebt and snaps etc. come into play. sometimes you cant find a job or can't find one where you can properly support yourself.. so what choice do you have? starve? if the government is goin to give me assistance im going to take it, because at that point its about survival.. and considering the talk in Washington about defunding or cutting back social welfare programs you're damn right if I was in this same circumstance I would be buying out the whole store.. don't blame these people because they caught the gov. with its pants down.. they are probably just seeing the handwriting on the wall and getting it in before they can't anymore.

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