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I thought this meant you were getting paid to study bitches.

As in, study women.

Stop frontin' on the commas.

I am disappoint.

I am also jealous.


it's college


standardized american tests I can hire nerdlingers to take for me while I study the wimminz.


last semesters major:




and I actually got approved for twice that amount, but they split it between semesters. I'm going back to Jamaica with that in November, gonna have a better time than last January.



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$4900 coming my way from the government that has screwed so many of you over.







i think moreover, if you've come to this realization - that the government has their dick in your ass - you should only feel bad for yourself for not playing the game the way it's meant to be played.


if it's credit, get it.


if it's free, it's me.


you only live once, and you can't take none of it with ya.


truth is, this is the first year I've ever been QUALIFIED to receive free Pell Grant money. I've always made too much money, or my EFC has been too high cuz until you're 25 they go by what your parents make. EFC = estimated family contribution...


my family isn't dirt poor, but we're barely lower middle class. just barely enough not to qualify with the niggers for welfare n shit.


but this i'll take. fuck the government. fuck your problems. get money.

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[update July 2010] Approved! First-time home buyers now have until Sept. 30 to close on their home purchases and qualify for the $8,000/$6500 tax credit under a newly approved extension bill. The closing deadline was originally June 30. To be eligible, buyers still need a contract that was in place by April 30.



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