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Stephen Hawking says God did not create the universe


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Because they are smarter. High IQ's don't believe in god and are less likely to cheat on their wives. Probably because the size of our brains allows us to overcome our caveman instincts like procreation and ego-centric world views.



Or maybe it's a matter of faith...,




in science.

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I respect that what he is saying, and I'll probably pick up his book but I still believe in God and I do believe that this entire universe and our existence was designed by a single creator. I don't begin to pretend that I have any idea what that creator may be, but I do believe the history of Jesus Christ and I also take much of early human history (what is recorded) into consideration when I speculate about spirituality and esoteric information. It's easy for atheists to say this is all just fairy tales, but by saying that you are not only insulting and condescending someone for their spiritual beliefs, which is disrespectful, but you are also throwing out the window tons of history that is embedded into our culture and our way of life as human-beings. Religion and spirituality itself is legitimate, whether or not you believe God, or Gods, are fake or real, the concept has both built foundations for human relationships and societies, as well as destroyed civilizations and lives. Many atheists seem to believe that the way forward for humanity is a secular world without spirituality, but I disagree and find it difficult to imagine how human-beings can exist without it. In my opinion, spirituality is natural to humanity, religion itself is an indoctrination, but I feel human-beings are born with natural environmental and spiritual tendencies that have lead us to question our existence and to be curious about our origins unlike any other species on this planet and in the known universe. Quite remarkable, if you ask me.

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You're confusing religiousness with spirituality, which are related but not the same thing.


I know plenty of atheists who understand and follow spiritual behavior because of its beneficial qualities for the self and relationships with others, but they are more keen to believe that spirituality is a product of neurological processes in our brain and physical conditions in our environment, and not some ethereal undefinable force.


Promoting an end to religion does not constitute promoting an end to spirituality.

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