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Guest --zeSto--



sorry but...


For a guy, there are 4 types of girl

a) The few we have slept with

B) The many we haven't slept with yet, but want to

c) Girls we dont want to sleep because they're nasty

d) Girls we tried to sleep with but never got to and have decided to just be friends with

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Guest WebsterUno

Im a jealous mofo too. I cant see that.

We men know whats up. You can have girl homies,

but if theyre fine, its kinda hard not to flirt. Its

an ongoing debate between us too. She says

we dont have anything if theres no trust, but…

it sounds kinda shady if ya ask me. Trust no man.

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Guest --zeSto--
Originally posted by splint2

one of my best friends is a girl...she's pretty hot too...


so when you first saw this 'hot' girl did you think...

"She'd be such a good friend... I feel like we could talk for hours."

or did you think...

"Hot Damn I want a piece of that!"






My point exactly!

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I think all friends flirt regardless of their sex. You can totally be friends with boys and not fuck. It's pretty normal for boys to try and holla at first. But after the initial flirting they're cool, I mean they still flirt but if they see you're only down with being friends they ease up a bit. But that doesn't mean they don't want to fuck you.

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Originally posted by --zeSto--

sorry but...


For a guy, there are 4 types of girl

a) The few we have slept with

B) The many we haven't slept with yet, but want to

c) Girls we dont want to sleep because they're nasty

d) Girls we tried to sleep with but never got to and have decided to just be friends with


nah brother. d) doesn't exist in my mind. there's heaps of chicks i know that i haven't nailed yet but if they don't fall under the ugly category i still wanna screw the living daylights out of them.

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Originally posted by --zeSto--

oh shit...


do you two know each other?

Is this a set up?

What did I just walk into?

come on ? you dont know our drama from here by now! iris is my girl.

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Guest --zeSto--

what ever feelings exist between two people are mutually exclusive.

Other people can not make me more or less attracted to a girl,

but they can influence the risk I'm willing to take.


figure if the guys been with a girl for more than 1 month

but not as many as 6 months... he's still in puppy love.

If he's been with her for more than a year... keep you back up to the wall!

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Guest --zeSto--
Originally posted by Iris



it's IRIS and "Plutonic" is not a word.:crazy:


my bad... I'm the worlds lasiest reader and typer.

I dont even bother to finish my sentan....

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Guest got tha feva

Four words. When Harry Met Sally.




Anyone can be friends. I'm attracted to almost all my friends, girls or guys. They make me happy, I respect and love them for exactly who they are, I think they're cool.. all things I look for in a boyfriend. But there's too many cool people out there to date them all.. The whole falling in love thing can happen between friends, but usually once someone's held you down and farted on your head or you've discussed the flow of your period this month, things aren't really on that level anymore.


I guess the thing is, it's hard for girls and guys to be BEST friends... like hang out every day, talk on the phone, spend all their time together, eventually someone's going to like someone or people are going to get a little too drunk and it's going to be weird. But as friends, like people who get along great, see eachother out and run accross the room to give hugs, make a point to talk once or twice a week, hang out a couple times a month.. then both people live their own lives totally seperate from eachother and just enjoy eachother's company/advice/outlook every once and awhile.


I have 3 different types of friends:


1. best friend. only one of these and she is entitled to everything that i own, she knows everything about me, there's no one i'd rather hang out with, you will never hear a bad thing about her come out of my mouth, and I have definate plans of hanging out on my porch swing with her talkin bout the 'good ol days' when we're 90 years old and our sanity is long gone. I could marry her on the sole foundation that I love her more than anything, but unfortunately I'm neither gay, nor do I live in hawaii. THough, we did get drunk once and... nevermind. heh.


2. good friends. people I hang out with on a weekly or biweekly basis. good people, help me out how they can when I need it and vice versa. good company. I've dated a few of these in my life, and ended up being enimies after we broke up.


3. other friends. people I see out at clubs all the time who only talk to me because i'm a white girl who can boogie down breakin with the best of em. people who i've known for like 5 years but never hung out with one on one. basicly just all the people who i love seeing out and enjoy their company but I never really make time to hang out with outside of what I'm already doing. These are the people that could be relationship material, but I haven't really found out for whatever reason yet.







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jerry! jerry! jerry! jerry! jerry! (suddenly bojangles hits iris with a chair and steve jumps in on the action!) hahahahaha j/k

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Guest --zeSto--

like I said above iRis...


YES!.. he may not act on it because of another girl...

but if he wants you, or even just thinks you're hot,

NOBODY can change his opinion.


we're such dogs sometimes

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i have one friend in specific, who is absolutely beautiful, but for some reason ive never been interested in sleeping with her. she is the exception to the rule though.


guys and girls can be platonic, but its like zesto's D. it can pretty much only happen after we've accepted that we cant fuck em. and that would generally change pretty quickly if she decided to give in. this is not true for all guys, but only because not all of them would go through with it. we would all want to...


having said all that, im pretty trusting in my relationships cause i know better than to date skeezers. and if she is going to cheat on me, well me being a controlling dickhead is just going to make it happen sooner.

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Guest imported_El Mamerro

I would fuck the living daylights out of my two best female friends, and I've made it very clear to them too. Beer,


El Mamerro

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Originally posted by Iris

Ongoing debate between my boyfriend and I:


Can guys be a girl's friend without wanting to fuck them?


My girl has already fucked most of her guy friends (way before I met her) and still hangs with them frequently. It fucken pisses me off and I feel like it's being rubbed in my face.. when it's all boiled down, I think that might be what stops me from marrying this girl... her past is pretty sordid and fucked up...


ahhh life.. thank god for beer. :scramble: :scramble:

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but thats the difference between guys and girls... we cant really do that shit, because sex isnt as emotional for us. we look at it as a physical thing, and you cant really repress a natural physical urge, or atleast not the urge to have the urge. just because we have girls that are friends, that doesnt mean that we will cheat, it just means that we think about what it would be like from time to time

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Originally posted by cmeup


like i told ya on aim, i havent mastered that one yet.


its very hard being attracted to someone and not thinking dirty about them. shit i dont think i could have a retarded deaf mute blind girl for a friend right now without trying to get in them drawz.


but then again, im teaser :lol:


you know my name<~:king:


sorry teaser. i am not allowed to be your friend.


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