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Wesly Crusher's sketch of the day


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im not very familiar with digital design but are you actually freehanding these charcters and sketches or doing some hitech traceing? im not trying to hate, it just looks from that above picture that you had a photo of trek dude and were tracing his profile, just wondering. im liking the sketch a day concept though.

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it's called visual reference, as i am doing a portrait of a character that allready exists its much more reliable than making up from memory. it's the same process as any artist would use when doing a rendering of someones image...you know like art models in a life drawing course...except i cant grab a ferengi and plop him down next to me so im forced to use a picture as reference material

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thanks for the kind words everyone, yesterdays sketch of the day was my way of saying sorry for day 9


also i need to do 2 more portraits for the course that im doing so today i think i may nerd out again pretty hardcore and revisit that nerdery known as trek for my models since....well its more fun than normal portraits for me and allows me to pick some less than usual characteristics for my portraits (though in the long run this may stunt my progress as an artist id rather have fun over a longer time than hate my art to get better quicker)


anyhow, now that this thread is starting to pick up steam (i broke 1000 views last night yay?) I'm going to try to approach it with a little bit more blogyness to it...with stupid write ups and check ins and rambles and such...sorta like this here. I know i should link that "INTERNET-CAUSE YOU THINK PEOPLE CARE WHAT YOU THINK" picture at this point and open up on myself for thinking people give 2 shits, but just like the sketch of the day its theraputic (fuck i cant spell) to free type like this for no reason.


so ya


incoming tonight, another double portrait sketch hopefully if i can manage...if i post tonight and its nothing but graffiti you will know that i sat here hurling insult at my computer screen all day as a ruined more and more faces. I plan on going for some slightly more recognizable people this time through and that always adds pressure to preform well, and i really am not the most talented portrait-ician(?) also its going to prolly be another late night post since i plan to put more than the average amount of time into it today.


so stay tuned as i make it so

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recording myself doing a portrait for the first time today...


im scared to watch the playback and see just how bad i am :P


im not sure if this one will be up before midnight west coast time, im hoping i can do it but i still need dinner and im still not even half way done.


but it will be up before i sleep...i can say that much for sure

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i was on hiatus from the oontz when they introduced rep, but im sure it affects the boxes that appear under the posters name, for instance, Q666 has more bars than me, but has less posts and hasnt been registered with the oontz as long as i have as far as i know. but other than what rep ACTUALLY does, prolly nothing. if anything its an immediate indicater that one may know there way around the site/knowledgable. fuck it, i have no idea.

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day 12 is here, i was up way to late last night and have barely been up for more than a couple hours and im now busy smoking....or vaporizing to be more specific my first bowl for the day as i sit down and start to think what should i do for today. i need to do 1 more portrait before i can progress in my book course but i have exhausted my desire to do trek characters for a little while (as without noticing it i realized i have yet to do a non trek portrait since i started my work with the digital medium) So i need to move on...not for good just for now and find a new subject to work off of...so im thinking of trying to do a summer glau portrait.


not this one but just a picture for those who dont know her.

i have a soft spot in my heart for weird or unique looking women...and she falls into that catagory while still remaining stunning.

anyhow im going to be finding a shot of her from Firefly. if you dont know firefly and enjoy sci fi at all i recomend it strongly. its is a true cowboy spaceman show, and though it only lasted 1 season and 1 movie it is in my opinion one of the best shows ever made...and that guy who made buffy the vampire slayer...josh weedon or some shit like that? made it....which always sort of made me laugh.


there she is in the firefly movie "serenity" my favorite damaged goods <3


anyhow thats enough rambling about where my head is at going into this...prolly gonna be another late post but ill be in the thread throughout the day

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you know the pen stands you get with the bamboo tablets that screws apart and makes a really good stash spot :D


just taught id share :)


really nice stuff you are an inspiration wesly :)





you can ask clone....i dont keep small amounts of bud....i could stash away a couple bowls in the pen stand but then where do i fit the rest of the ounce?

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day 12


the likeness is iffy at best but i still find i like the overall image, i could go back and try to fix her eye up and make it look more like her, but im not in the mood to get that into it right now...besides its a sketch a day i gotta give myself some time to relax :3


anyhow...another time lapse video is up for the people who still enjoy those.







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