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* some illegal immigrants -- those who "meet the substantial presence test" -- would be taxed if they don't obtain health insurance that meets the requirements of the law;


* there are no immigration-related restrictions on who can participate President Obama’s proposed health insurance exchanges;


* to qualify for any subsidies for health insurance, "individuals must be lawfully present in a state in the United States." That does not preclude those in this country legally who have illegal immigrants in their family from qualifying for the subsidies.


* how will the government make sure that subsidies don't go to illegal immigrants? The mechanism is left entirely up to the Health Commissioner, who is instructed by law that he or must have some process to establish immigration status before giving subsidies. Sec. 241(b)(1), pg 130 : “the Commissioner shall establish a process whereby, on the basis of information otherwise available, individuals may be deemed to be affordable credit eligible individuals." That “shall” is key.


Blah blah blah...


I'm reading you what the bill itself says, not some opinion column some independent group has about the bill.


Look at the bill itself, not what hatemongering right wingers want you to believe about it.

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What are you talking about?? The government regulates every single aspect of the healthcare system. We have a totally fascist healthcare system. Totally merged corporations and gov. Just because slot of countries have MORE regulation than the US doesn't mean we have a free system. We just have a slightly less controlled medical industrial complex than other countries. But fascism is still fascism

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What are you talking about?? The government regulates every single aspect of the healthcare system. We have a totally fascist healthcare system. Totally merged corporations and gov. Just because slot of countries have MORE regulation than the US doesn't mean we have a free system. We just have a slightly less controlled medical industrial complex than other countries. But fascism is still fascism


You are nuts.


If the health insurance companies & government are working together, then why are health insurance companies unhappy about this latest *government* health care bill that will help regulate health insurance companies' unfair practices? Health care companies do not want this bill to pass for the obvious reasons. The public option; a competing government health care insurance option, is a nightmare to health insurance companies. Along with other plans that will make it illegal. Health insurance companies are currently at odds with the federal government; not working together. And that's a completely false statement to say that the government "regulates every single aspect" of healthcare.


With the exception of Medicare, Medicaid, and the VA -- our health care system is based on for-profit free markets. If you want to see far more government controlled healthcare systems, go to Canada or Europe. The problem is that there is not enough government regulation & oversight in the health care market.

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What are you talking about?? The government regulates every single aspect of the healthcare system. We have a totally fascist healthcare system. Totally merged corporations and gov. Just because slot of countries have MORE regulation than the US doesn't mean we have a free system. We just have a slightly less controlled medical industrial complex than other countries. But fascism is still fascism






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Nobody ever heard of this "teaparty" bullshit before Fox News tried to hijack a historic moment in American history to try and co-opt the shit to fit their twisted agenda.



Christ, are you drunk? I almost want to report you for flaming.


First: The teaparties were done by the Ron Paul supporters during his campaign.

Second: No, I don't watch television. Especially not Fox news.

Third: Yes, Clinton started the wiretapping on American citizens. It's very provable.

Fourth: Settle the fuck down and be a man about this. It's a damned discussion, not

Channel Zero. Sure, it can seem like an argument but it's not. All of us like to keep it somewhat friendly in here.

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You are nuts.


If the health insurance companies & government are working together, then why are health insurance companies unhappy about this latest *government* health care bill that will help regulate health insurance companies' unfair practices? Health care companies do not want this bill to pass for the obvious reasons. The public option; a competing government health care insurance option, is a nightmare to health insurance companies. Along with other plans that will make it illegal. Health insurance companies are currently at odds with the federal government; not working together. And that's a completely false statement to say that the government "regulates every single aspect" of healthcare.


With the exception of Medicare, Medicaid, and the VA -- our health care system is based on for-profit free markets. If you want to see far more government controlled healthcare systems, go to Canada or Europe. The problem is that there is not enough government regulation & oversight in the health care market.



eh, leave it to a socialist to say that an already government over regulated market, healthcare is not regulated enough.


so to sum up your argument, because healthcare operates with a profit motive, as does everything else in the entire country, it is some how not regulated enough. you also believe guns are not regulated enough, yet no gun owner in the entire country can possibly follow all the 20,000 gun laws on the books already. every gun owner has broken at aleast some law governing victimless human behavior. this in no way gives crimes with a victim, such as rape, murder, theft, etc. a free pass or laws a free pass that forbid it. i am talking about if a weapon is carried in a car to a shooting range and the magazine is inside the case instead of stored separately. or if transporting a weapon home from hunting and you stop at a mcdonalds to eat. you are illegally transporting a weapon in some states. no shit.


as it is with healthcare. there is no direct choice between a patient and a doctor. the federal government essentially created the employer/healthcare merger. the insurance lobby in DC is huge. the government forces hospitals to treat people who cant pay. if this is done voluntarily like in the mission hospital ron paul used to work at, all for the better, but mandating is a different story. my family doctor recently shut his doors because he cannot pay the insane amounts of taxes, regulatory fees, government induced insurance company mandates... they decided to close up shop.


sure healthcare companies dont want a total socialization of the medical sector. they like the fascist system better. to say that the federal government is at odds with the insurance companies is like saying wall street is at odds with the federal government. end of story. do some research. get off the obama/biden website and look at how medical services actually work.


what is the entire 'crisis' about? its about high prices that were brought on by intrusive government. if you reduce the prices, there is no more crisis. health insurance companies essentially lobbied for hte policies that led to the high prices which therefore made them a bigger player in the field. before the 70's health insurance companies were small potatoes. most people paid cash for medical services, they were relatively cheap.


why is 'profit' so bad? do you work for a profit? are you a greedy capitialist??

would you believe the greedy capitalist pigs also profit off of peoples starvation! why my goodness they charge for food!!! omg! or those greedy capitalists feeding on peoples nakedness and charging for clothes!! where does it stop, theo? when you have totally taken over the entire economy?

why is there no public outrage about these capitalists? why arent you lobbying to shut down whole foods, giant and kroger? they are raping the public!


eh, better be careful what i talk about... in 20 years when some government intervention comes along and raise the price of food and people need to take out food insurance, there will be a new crisis and a call for universal food services.


if you turn our horrible un free fascist system into a socialized system you will end up with worse service, horrible waits (check some of the wait times in canada for heart problems) and a whole other set of problems, worse than what we have now. all those people from canada wont be able to come here to pay for services to get their problems handled. both the US and canada will be F'ed.


oh, and im all for reform. im for 100% deregulation of the healthcare system. a total free market. a true division of services and labor and a totally free doctor patient relationship without the forces of the government getting in my business.

this shouldnt sound looney to you at all, after all the healthcare system has NO regulation at all at the present, so there is no change right?


why would we want the folks who took US boys to iraq on false pretenses, passed the patriot act and every other manner of terrible legislation, the people who are daily engaged in corruption, illegal activities and constitution trampling, people who have no respect for the rule of law, who run our dmv's, who make careers out of wasting tax payer money on stupidity, who build bridges to no where, who think that the arts would not exist without federal funding...

why should we let this criminal government totally take over one of the most important sectors of the economy?

why? how can we trust the people who gave us gitmo, abu ghraib, burned 80 people in waco texas in 1993, shot a mother holding a baby in ruby creek idaho the year before, that have repeatedly broken their oath to protect and defend the constitution, who cant even run the post office or amtrack at a profit, ... why in the HELL WOULD WE GIVE THEM TOTAL CONTROL OF HEALTHCARE!?!?!?!?


this is the problem. the neo con right thinks the state at home is a bad thing. that it supposedly should be reduced, yet they still vote to increase it. they think the state can do whatever it wants abroad though. the liberal left think that the state should only do warm cuddly things like provide for hte poor, engage in total socialization of the economy on the scale of lenin, stalin and mao, as well as go abroad in the name of spreading aid. both are horrible and each side log rolls to get what they want.

but thinking the state can actually engage in warm cuddly things like aiding the poor and providing free healthcare, is like wishing for a lion that only purrs and cuddles with you or having a rattle snake that only provides percussive accompaniment to mariachi music. that dog dont hunt. that lion or rattle snake can also kill you.


if you give the government 100% reign of healthcare, we will further build the totalitarian state on our own shores. we must stop every encroachment.

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i think its pretty silly to think they are backed by 'corporate' interest.

the tea party i went to this year, were just normal ass people. they werent 'plants' they are just normal outraged people at a slightly more tuned up socialism as opposed to the slightly less socialism that has occurred with the last administration.




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