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So then by your logic, "The Peoples REPUBLIC of China" is a Republican country? :confused:



Or the "Democratic People's Republic of Korea", the official title for North Korea.


The National Socialist Party was not a socialist/Marxist party. In fact, they routinely spread anti-communist propaganda in reference to the USSR.


Fascism/Nazism is actually considered to be a far-right ideology, not a far-left. Far-left ideology would be along the lines of communism.


But many conservatives are hatemongering & uneducated, so they'll throw all adjectives with a stigma attached to it to describe Obama, no matter how off-base it is. So calling him a fascist/Nazi and a socialist/communist in the same breath is laughable. Next, we'll be seeing conservatives accusing Obama of being a klansman & supporting South African Apartheid and being a puppet of Jews, while also claiming he's a reverse-racist that hates whites & is an anti-Semite.

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WHOA BUDDY! this made me LOL. This is the most insane thing I've heard in a while. You would allow the Germans to cause God knows how much more destruction until they attacked us? The whole world would have gone down the tubes while we twiddled our thumbs. Yeah that makes alot of sense. This is the reason why Isolationism as a political platform, which even the US government was practicing, went the way of the afro and bell bottom jeans. You can't be serious.


im confused man... are you some sort of anarcho syndicalist or not?


i guess i should clarify further... i would be in support of not attacking germany... but then they declared war on us. japan attacked us. i was merging them into the same issues...


sure, i think everything should be like that. you dont fight unless you are attacked. i dont go out shooting people, fighting them, or preemptively striking them because i think they might be a threat. this is initiating violence, this is a crime! i wait until attacked. its that simple. or is it not a crime if i go murder someone because he MIGHT possibly have the means to attack me at some undetermined date, and just call it a 'pre emptive strike?'


if you create a state that sets the precedent to search and destroy whatever monster it wants, whether it is under the guise of humanitarianism or under the guise of freeing oppressed peoples or saving themselves from themselves.... you are setting the stage to allow a government to invade, destroy, coup d'etat, bomb, or set up any puppet government they want to in areas they have 0 jurisdiction over. are you a fan of the iraq occupation? if you are not, by not supporting non intervention...you are part of the problem.


if you dont attack people, if you dont get involved in stuff you shouldnt, you very rarely get attacked. look at switzerland. i believe war and violence should be avoided at all costs, unless it is to protect life and liberty from a DIRECT threat. switzerland didnt attack germany in WW2, because germany didnt attack them.


to believe in preemptive war is to believe in a never ending warfare state. to believe in never ending wars. you can never rid the world of evil and it damn sure isnt the US's job to do so.

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Or the "Democratic People's Republic of Korea", the official title for North Korea.


The National Socialist Party was not a socialist/Marxist party. In fact, they routinely spread anti-communist propaganda in reference to the USSR.


Fascism/Nazism is actually considered to be a far-right ideology, not a far-left. Far-left ideology would be along the lines of communism.


But many conservatives are hatemongering & uneducated, so they'll throw all adjectives with a stigma attached to it to describe Obama, no matter how off-base it is. So calling him a fascist/Nazi and a socialist/communist in the same breath is laughable. Next, we'll be seeing conservatives accusing Obama of being a klansman & supporting South African Apartheid and being a puppet of Jews, while also claiming he's a reverse-racist that hates whites & is an anti-Semite.


Hitler actually brutally killed or imprisoned all communists in Germany before he went for the jews. The original scapegoat before the "Final Solution", before krystalnocht, was communism. They were the first people he took out because they were so opposed.


There were no communists or socialists openly in the party

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It's kind of like trying to say there are huge differences between repubs and dens. Look at all the arguments and "disagreements" they get in yet they basically both stand for the same exact thing. Welfare warfare and tyranny. It doesn't really matter what calling card the state carries...either gives you the same result

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More hospitals more clinics more medical documentary workers. National HealthCare is a big deal.

Are so many doctors worried about taking a pay cut? The government can stay competitive. And if your a good doctor and create more demand your pay would go up I'd imagine. The VA stays competitive. The pay may not be quite as high but the perks are way better from what I hear.


yeah after some thought I could see it creating more jobs but I just think there would be lower demand for doctors and nurses if they werent getting paid as well but I also havent looked into how european countries are doing with that.

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at what point did germany's behavior set the precedent as a "direct threat"? Hitler openly formed an alliance with Stalin initially when Germany invaded poland, he then invaded Russia. He stated that he had no conflict with the "Northern States", then invaded Norway. His behavior was tolerated by most of Europe under the premise of "well, hes only taking back native Germanic lands, so he won't do it to us...", then SURPRISE - panzers are flying nazi flags through the streets of Paris & the luftwaffe were bombing London, were Germany to secure long term domination of the European CONTINENT what would have that meant for the United States economically and diplomatically? By invading all these countries in their reach, at what point would you think they wouldn't invade/launch some sort of attack on the united states? in WWI there was contact with Mexico in an attempt to incite a rising to take back the land lost in the Mexican War, should Eisenhower have waited for Germany to do this again?


I'm just curious...


for the record, I'm not appalled by isolationist policies, I just have a hard time saying its that cut and dry especially when using WWII and Germany as the precedent. That being said, just because the Nazi's pursued a specific course of action does not mean that every other country opposed to US foreign policy will follow a similar course. I think its pretty irresponsible to compare others to the Nazi's....



im confused man... are you some sort of anarcho syndicalist or not?


i guess i should clarify further... i would be in support of not attacking germany... but then they declared war on us. japan attacked us. i was merging them into the same issues...


sure, i think everything should be like that. you dont fight unless you are attacked. i dont go out shooting people, fighting them, or preemptively striking them because i think they might be a threat. this is initiating violence, this is a crime! i wait until attacked. its that simple. or is it not a crime if i go murder someone because he MIGHT possibly have the means to attack me at some undetermined date, and just call it a 'pre emptive strike?'


if you create a state that sets the precedent to search and destroy whatever monster it wants, whether it is under the guise of humanitarianism or under the guise of freeing oppressed peoples or saving themselves from themselves.... you are setting the stage to allow a government to invade, destroy, coup d'etat, bomb, or set up any puppet government they want to in areas they have 0 jurisdiction over. are you a fan of the iraq occupation? if you are not, by not supporting non intervention...you are part of the problem.


if you dont attack people, if you dont get involved in stuff you shouldnt, you very rarely get attacked. look at switzerland. i believe war and violence should be avoided at all costs, unless it is to protect life and liberty from a DIRECT threat. switzerland didnt attack germany in WW2, because germany didnt attack them.


to believe in preemptive war is to believe in a never ending warfare state. to believe in never ending wars. you can never rid the world of evil and it damn sure isnt the US's job to do so.

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sure there is an inalienable right to healthcare, food, whatever the hell you want. but there is no inalienable right for your to get it for free at the expense of someone else paying for it.



It's not "at the expence of someone else paying for it", it's at the expense of tax dollars that WE ALL pay, which basically means that we're paying for our own shit.

The same way as we pay for social security now.

It's almost the same as paying an insurance company, only you're not getting your eyes gouged out for so called "coverage" that's going to evaporate and toss you to the street the minute you get cancer.


And real talk, your misguided mindset is that of a selfish douchebag.

You people are fucking retarded.

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i dont think we should of invaded germany, UNTIL they attacked us.

































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What jobs would government ran healthcare create? And why does it seem that no doctors support this plan?



Actually, most doctors support the shit.

This is a known fact.

You must be watching Fox news if you believe otherwise.


As for what jobs, who you think is going to be taking care of all these people who otherwise are uninsured and thus never see a doctor? :dunce:

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im confused man... are you some sort of anarcho syndicalist or not?


i guess i should clarify further... i would be in support of not attacking germany... but then they declared war on us. japan attacked us. i was merging them into the same issues...




Hey dumbass... Germany attacked us even before the Japs did. :dunce:





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It's kind of like trying to say there are huge differences between repubs and dens. Look at all the arguments and "disagreements" they get in yet they basically both stand for the same exact thing. Welfare warfare and tyranny. It doesn't really matter what calling card the state carries...either gives you the same result




The more you type, the more you put on blast the fact that you have no idea what the fuck you're blabbing about.

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Actually, most doctors support the shit.

This is a known fact.

You must be watching Fox news if you believe otherwise.


As for what jobs, who you think is going to be taking care of all these people who otherwise are uninsured and thus never see a doctor? :dunce:


So far everything ive read says its about 50/50 but what happened to people taking care of themselves? Universal Healthcare goes against our constitution, I think the fed. is to big as it is (yes I know about Bush and that shit) but why make it bigger and have more power over us? I just think there are better ways of reforming healthcare like ending Tort reform and making all the insurance companies available state to state like car insurance. The only government that should be involved should be regulating the insurance companies so they dont drop people with pre-existing medical conditions. but thats just my opinion, it would be cool if they could make it work i just dont see it happening.


here comes the hate.

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So far everything ive read says its about 50/50 but what happened to people taking care of themselves?


You just went from saying that most docs are against healthcare, to saying that it's 50/50 after I called you out.

Just admit that you don't know what you're talking about.

And how the fuck are people going to take care of themselves? We aren't all doctors.

Are you able to take care of yourself like a doctor?

You gonna cook up your own chemo if you get cancer?

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Universal Healthcare goes against our constitution


Universal healthcare does NOT go against the constitution you dumb fuck.

It has nothing at all to do with the constitution.

Healthcare didn't even exist in the 1770's.

And if you knew anything about our founding fathers and what they stood for, you'd know that they would have considered healthcare to be an inalienable right.

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You just went from saying that most docs are against health care, to saying that it's 50/50 after I called you out.

Just admit that you don't know what you're talking about.

And how the fuck are people going to take care of themselves? We aren't all doctors.

Are you able to take care of yourself like a doctor?

You gonna cook up your own chemo if you get cancer?


First off after you said that most doctors support it, I took the time to look it up again and do a little more research. Thats what youre supposed to do, Ill admit that I thought doctors didnt support health care. I was actually surprised that it was about 50/50


And when i said people taking care of themselves I meant working and paying for their health insurance. I know that the current system is fucked but like I said I think there is a better way of reforming it. And if you do support universal health care, which is obvious you do, why do you just want to jump into it without looking? something like that shouldnt be passed overnight.

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Like what?


You leave healthcare in the hands of unchecked capitolists, it's only going to keep going the way it has.


I just gave you another way of doing it, and if you read my post you would have seen that I said the government needs to regulate them and keep them in check. I doubt the founding fathers would want the government to intervene with healthcare, the stood for freedom of the people, thats why they wanted the federal government to be small and the states to take care of their citizens, but we let the fed get to big.

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And if you do support universal health care, which is obvious you do, why do you just want to jump into it without looking? something like that shouldnt be passed overnight.



Because it already works for every single other civilized country.

What the fuck is there to look into?

We need and deserve exactly what countries like Canada and England have.

And if you don't want it, then don't fucking use it.

Either roll the dice by paying for private insurance, or die when you get sick.

It's a free country.

But don't shit on the rest of ours parade.

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