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The New Orleans thread.....


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Man y'all ruining a good thread and making the city look bad. That goes for both sides of the fence. Sloppy, I know u ready for a all out crew war or whatever but I got this...perch up in H town for a bit it's cool no ones dissed me yet


Mann. and spent y'all did a good job by deverting the whole reason for Us dissing those busters in the first place...keep it up and I will postsome more pics, the bloody ones. I don't want to but I will, grow the fuck up.


Now, back painting for muah..have fun on ur computers.

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so much drama on the nettttttttttttttttttttttttt its only the net ....less cherpin an more flix postin



There's kids on here that put in work maybe not paintin yet but gathering flicks to represent their city for what it really can hold. Don't ruin this shit for those that aren't involved, that's fuckin selfish gather urselves.

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Everyone should meet up and fight, I wish graffiti was like that movie "the worriors"
ha ha yeah u right brother it would start with me putting a filet knife in gutzos neck!!! matter a fact if anyone knows where in the fuck he lives in moss point red neck mississippi please feel free to let me know as far as any other beef thats on yall this shit is with guts
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actually rusty antique...you posted pictures of you dissing these dudes on trains long before any discussion was present...there's several angles and i've heard both sides of the story..no one is right in beef ever..doesn't matter what the beef is it always gets convoluted...


anyways you brought the beef on a TRAIN to the NEW ORLEANS BRICKSLAYERS thread...you presented the beef to the internet with your pictures dude...


so..im all for not talking abou it any longer i've said what i wanted to...

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and i find it ineresting that you marketed gooses style with "pretty colors and can control"


i think he has some terrible color ideas and some good ones..i think color wise goose is hit or miss...


bottom line again..i think goose can outpaint sike...in any style...you see what goose wants to paint..and he takes "risks" goes for something different..that's HIS...some of the pieces he's drawing and painting nowadays...was shit we would draw joking trying to draw the wackest shit we could with arrows in th weirdest places and alligator mouths for parts of letters


i think it's awesome he's finding a different approach...but i believe i could show 100s of more classic graffiti style pieces that are markedly better than anything of sikes...which i've seen a few things from sike i do like...


anyways...i'd like to know what about gooses stuff people don't like..

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personally i like both of there stuff but goose does seem to over decorate his pieces but like you said its a different approach so yea makes sense i guess

i like sikes letters in general though. simple can be better sometimes

the only way to really see "whos better" is to have them paint the same piece in a style outside of there own

but as much as graffs about whos the best its also about doing what you want to see and what you like.

so really whos better isnt relevant pertaining to to there beef its just who can cover who the most...

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